Project management ARmk2 and Ableton

sorry for the noob question… but what is the right way to manage this? create a complete new project on the ARmk2 for each Ableton project? or do you use a AR project for multiple ableton projects? seems like in the second option it can get easily messed up…
how do you guys do it?

I figure you’re talking about overbridge? I use the Rytm, OB and Bitwig (BW) but a lot of this should still apply.

The see two options for the Rytm/DAW integration.

  • You start your songs/ideas on the Rytm away from the DAW but still want those individual tracks.
  • You are already in the DAW when you sit down to start an idea.

I’m in the latter camp so that’s where my thoughts come from. I don’t even save projects to the Rytm itself because saving my BW project will automatically sync and save my Rytm if “Total Recall” is turned on in the overbridge plugin.

My DAW opens up with a special template I’ve pre-made myself for the Rytm with the tracks and a few specific routing things set up the way I like.

Keep in mind:

You still have to save your kits and patterns as you would normally on the Rytm. If you change project on the rytm (even through ovebridge or DAW projects,) I believe you will lose the pattern data not explicitly saved.

I’ve just gotten in the habit of saving kits/patterns often.

Yeah I’d be happy to but I don’t think it would translate over to another setup as easily. You’d likely have to set a bit of it up yourself either way.

My Rytm group looks like this.

Individual Audio tracks are routed to each chain from Overbridge.

It looks a bit confusing but once you take an afternoon to set it up, it should be pretty stable.

On the rytm itself, you’ll have to go to audio routing and deselected “Route to Main” from all tracks.

Otherwise these will be doubled on the track I’ve labeled “Rytm FX.”

Because my tracks aren’t sent here, this main output ends up being just the 100% wet sends, so I can still record those.

I’ve attached this project file anyways though I’m not sure how well it will work for ya. Oh and ignore some of the weird names like “Samp 1,2,3” etc. These are just conventions I try to stick to. I almost always use the tom tracks for sample stabs.

Rytm Template.bwproject (126.9 KB)


mate you’re a star. much thanks

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A few more thoughts/ideas for posterity because I don’t see a lot of talk about bitwig around here.

• You can give the rytm extra lfos. As many as you want. (And any other modulator)

• You can set up a hybrid track or two to be sequenced via bitwig instead of the Rytm. For example, I’ve used one of the DVCO voices as a bassline played and recorded by my midi keyboard. The elektron sequencer is great but midi recording into the piano roll is still nice for some things.

• Bitwigs transient shaper tool is really handy for taking out the initial clicks of melodic / chord samples played on the Rytm.

Ableton and M4L can also add modulation but it works fundamentally different to Bitwig in a way I don’t like.

In the LFO M4L devices that come with Ableton, when you modulate you are controlling the exact parameter values. Change the parameter via the device, and it will just revert back to the modulated value rigidly.

In Bitwig, these modulations are offsets! You can still change the underlying parameter.

I have my prophet 6 set up in a similar way and I can add modulators BUT still be able to tweak the knobs to adjust the base value.