Promo video for Moog DFAM

Ah I should have said Va j j

For real, you need to put down that bottle and go to bed.

You said “Sounds like someone knows how to use wiki and copy and paste.” My point by indicating I went to university was, “No, I’m bringing something to bear on the conversation, within a field I spent several years studying.”

You assumed that by defending myself, I was claiming that only people with university degrees have some right to contribute.

You may just want to take a pass on the nth glass of vodka, mate.

You are no fun!

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You are going to get banned from the board. I’ve seen it happen.

Not only that, your comments are atrocious.

I made several light hearted comments to take the steam out of the thread!

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In a way the promo video is like this thread.
There’s some curious intentions as it struggles to make it to a conversation through all the scrutiny and petty talk.

and people telling others what to do

Seriously. Sign out. Come back in the morning and reread your posts. If you’re still confused, we can talk.

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Maybe, and that would be fine. I just wonder if it would work better if the people behind these things were better at infusing this into different media. Sometimes it just feels so unnatural and unrealistic that it’s impossible not to be taken out of what you’re watching and start imagining the brainstorming meeting where the plan was concocted. Not referring to this ad just to be clear. I don’t necessarily buy that it has to become more natural, but i guess the people behind productions will get better at it. Or something.

I guess you thrive on conflict. If you read back you’ve made numerous provocative posts. I tried to lighten the mood and generally it worked out. But you can’t win them all. :see_no_evil:


Talking about female genitalia like that and referring to Hillary in that manner (and then so explicitly explaining it…:face_vomiting:) in a thread about exposure and comfort of women in the music industry is just so completely absurd the only explanation is that you are either totally tone deaf or drunk.

Someone asked me earlier what I would do to ensure more inclusivity here? One way is not have to be the only one seeing a problem here.

This kind of behavior is not the kind I know my non-male friends to be comfortable with.


Too many guidelines violations to count here, folks.
And too many flagged posts.

Do yourself, and the community a favor and read the guidelines now:

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Knee-jerk contradiction.
Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.

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Topic ceased to be a productive discussion. Countless guidelines violations, flags.