Promo video for Moog DFAM

Someone also knows how to spend four years on a Humanities degree! How kind of you.

I dont know, sometimes it’s buy our stuff, and think about this too.
Sometimes the “think about this too” is the overpowering message, and there is very little “buy our stuff”

Furries! Seriously I hadn’t even heard of that until I played Splatoon.

And Nintendo are meant to be family friendly!

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And sometimes the message is a ploy to get people on your side. One can agree with the message and still find the intentions dubious. Not saying that is the case with this commercial, but it certainly is a bit ham fisted.

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I somewhat agree

The personal is political.

From the dawn of civilization women were cared for by men. Often represented by some deity presence in mythology and some religions. Men would go out and hunt and return to provide for women. This custom continued on through time as men would go to work in order to provide for their wives and children.

On the whole, women have always been held in high regard. Men built the world to care for the women and children. Even on a sinking ship, the first to evacuate would be women and children.

This is the archetype- the notion of women has always been, by default, elevated above that of a man. Even to the point, in some circles, that it is a man’s responsibility to provide for a woman- and if he is unable to do that, then he fails the masculine standard.
having said that, here are a few instances of double standards that favor women:
women have a drastically lower suicide rate, yet is given greater concern.
There are more institutions aimed at curing Breast Cancer than Prostate Cancer(this signifies more social concern for)
There was an concerned article claiming that 1 in 4 homeless people are women.
Women make up the majority of higher education
A woman hitting a man is seen as brave, but to retaliate is a strict taboo.
The world cares about a man’s functionality, but cares about the emotions of a woman.
Also, wars for a vast majority of history were fought nearly completely by men

Just to name a few.

Brace yourselves!!!

Or to quote we were soldiers

“Prepare to defend yourselves”

If you are confused google Joe Galaway!


With that particular commercial, Chipotle’s top concern was getting people to think about where their food was coming from and to expose the gross side of the food industry. They also wanted little to no branding.
Ironically Chipotle has been under heavy scrutiny themselves.
I still applaud their efforts at trying to make stuff better, even if they are just hocking burritos.
Same with the Moog promo.

I don’t want to quote McLuhan lest I be accused of copying and pasting from Wikipedia again (and not, instead, being somewhat relatively qualified to talk about social and cultural theory), but I think we’ll have to disagree on that.

By virtue of it being a commercial it can only do the thing it was intended to do, and to do other things with it (or try to) is to either a) (unintentionally) commoditize and render crass the “other things,” or b) throw the whole thing into the abyss where ultimately nothing can be derived from the work except the instability of language itself.

I think the Moogfest idea was probably a much better vehicle for this message than the commercial. There is—potentially, arguably—less ambiguity in what is an expression of sincerity and what isn’t in the context of a festival where people, y’know, get to meet up, have a good time, and discover they’re not so different?



Don’t all of these points support the idea that things are different for men and women?
Had it occurred to you that perhaps by inviting and involving women in the areas currently dominated by men, eventually these imbalances (which I agree, totally suck for guys) might start leveling out?
Or is the difference of opinion based in whether or not this should be sorted out?

Seems to me videos like this, or even things like the Last Jedi’s diversity, seem forced in this politicized environment, because they are new attempts.
It does need to be forced a bit, and it’s gonna feel all kinds of things based on ones perspective.
Can’t speak about other countries, but in America it’s been white bred males dominating all the scenes for a long ass time now.
It’s no wonder when you see how quick the push back is over 3 girls in a synth promo, or dudes taking a knee at a football game.


It’s ok you have a degree. Speak away!

As a side point are you allowed to say vagina here. Last time I said it there was 10 complaints and my post was flagged. So is it the word vagina or the sentence surrounding it?

What’s your point? Come out and say whatever it is.

Yes, there might have to be some force exerted, but that doesn’t mean that the art won’t suffer, when it’s so plainly obvious as in Star Wars. And you’re forcing a bit yourself, conflating those two issues.

I’m saying a degree does not qualify your point. Everyone these days has a degree it doesn’t make them right

Asummimg you’re replying to me that is. If not. Carry on nothing to see here

You better be fudging careful about the words you use here. This isn’t some sort of smut shop.

Im ok with that.
The more it happens, the more natural it will become.