Promo video for Moog DFAM

I would be careful about assuming you know the intentions of companies and their PR departments. Just because it speaks to your sensibilities does not mean they can’t have less than pure motives for their actions.

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In my younger days I learnt a few Swedish phrases from some questionable videos.

Sadly stick it in my ass got me no where when I visited Sweden😀

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It’s sort of like that Bukowski poem where he’s like “Those who preach peace have hearts of war” and so on and so forth. Anyone that’s blatantly advertising their own virtue seems like they value the perception of them being good over actually being good-which leaves room for them to be nefarious while people move their perception of them closer to sainthood

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You probably went to the wrong clubs


That might be the only responsibility, but it’s not a hard limitation.
I make commercials for a living, I definitely know what it is to create a commercial with a much broader message than, buy our stuff.
Some people love seeing a commercial that is less like an ad, some dont.
Some just despise commercials all together.

“Women have more privilege than men in modern days”

Please tell me more…

I just wanted directions to my hotel😀

Years later google translate explained why I got a black eye instead!

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I’ll add this, that latest Chappelle stand up really brought it home on what it is to be a woman, from a mans perspective.
That part where he’s talking about having a backpack full of money and fearing for his life, but if he had a bag of “pu**y” he wouldn’t even attempt to carry it out in public.

I hope we can all at least agree that Chappelle is hecking brilliant


He pretty much chops this whole thread up and then some

It’s definitely more fun listening to him that some of ya’ll going back and fourth playground style.


You could’ve just said yes.

Good promo vid then? :joy:


But I didn’t

I never thought my comment on someone else’s post would start such a lengthy discussion.

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No, you want to be out on the playground with the other kids :slight_smile:

I feel like you might be arguing against a point I haven’t made. I like this advert and it’s purpose.

No, the only message is “buy our stuff,” anything else you’re encoding into the commercial is either—optimistically—marketing guff based on knowing who your target demographic is and how to reach them, or—pessimistically—constitutes what Althusser called interpellation, or “the process by which subjects become attached to ideology.” Later, à propos interpellation in mass media, Horkeimer and/or Adorno quipped “Everyone is provided for so no one can escape.” Ideology does emerge from within commercials, whether you put it there or not.

To be clear, I was thinking about one commercial I worked on that’s main message had a very odd target audience, if you could even call it that.

Interesting, I’d ask for more info but I guess you can’t do that.