Promo video for Moog DFAM

See, now, wtf.

There a poster here who had a photo of an attractive woman (and have no reason to doubt it wasn’t her) and asked some earnest questions about the Octatrack and how it works - all stuff that is perfectly laid out in the manual. If she had been a man, I can guarantee you she would have been told to RTFM, but she got an absolutely disproportionate number of responses, of men crawling right up her backside. I mean, by comparison to an equivalent post by a man, it was ludicrous. This forum welcomes women with open arms, as long as they don’t mind being somewhat slimed.


Yeah, self censorship is democracy in action! [/painful sarcasm]

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I think I remember that and replied. I can only speak personally for replying and it wasn’t to “slime”. It was to show that we’d be helpful to non-males.

It wasn’t. Not only was it offensive, it was tired and cliche. And by self-censoring you knew it to be true.

I’ll take your word for it, you seem to have a fantastic sense of humour. you just described why it was funny, that was the joke.

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I like my sense of humor. No, it’s not going to come out in this threa (though I loled at Ryan’s bring it). I just don’t think tired and cliche jokes are funny.

I have little time for those who identify with their gender or race or ethnic group or sexual preference ABOVE their basic humanity which is what we should all have in common - but maybe we don’t after all.
In other words I don’t like those who need to take on a label (created by others) to distinguish themselves from the rest of the species… they’re not much different to those waving flags and warmongering.

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Far-right has been governing Spain for years as we speak. There’s people in jail for Twitter messages & song lyrics, people being shot at in pacific demonstrations and immigrants are being put into illegal jails where they get beat up and sometimes are found misteriously hanging from the ceiling. All that happened during 2017, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If that’s fearmongering then I don’t want to know what needs to happen for people to call it by its proper name, really.


Didn’t really notice that, to be honest, but I never make assumptions about someobody’s gender when they ask for help on the Octatrack. There have been men who use avatars of attractive women before, so I got used to it.

I have been guilty of getting salty/impatient with some noobs in the past, but that nothing to do with male/female/whatever, and more a perception of whether that person is just too damn lazy or not. But over time I realized that some users might be my Mom’s age or older, or otherwise have impairments with vision, language comprehension, etc. Also, every musician forum has somebody suffering from drug addition, depression or other emotional problems,etc. So I try to be more compassionate these days.

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Equality means having women featured on a video, demoing an audio unit, and people talking about said unit on a forum, not discussing what equality means.

I don’t know, I just don’t think my experience of women tallies with some other people’s posting here. I’ve never really come across these timid, shrinking women who are afraid to participate in male-dominated activities. And I’ve certainly never known this apparently typical woman who when faced with sexist pigs in whatever field runs away into their burrow and waits to be protected and validated by a cohort of virtue-signallers.

Honestly, most women I’ve ever known are horrified by this patronising vein of thought and would tell anyone trying to ‘include’ them to fuck off. Maybe American women are different. Maybe it’s a UK thing. Not sure.


I am not into excluding any one, per se. I am just going to speak out against those who would. Now, I don’t know that there are members of this board who would explicitly exclude anybody (certainly none of you).

HOWEVER, by taking the position against a video featuring all-female artists you are not only against measures people take to be inclusive but also against the notion featuring all-females is somehow not in line with the narrative that has reigned forever, which is all male.

There is nothing at all wrong with the video. So Moog decided to feature all women? Maybe they liked all those artists? We don’t know. What we do know is that it was great to see all-women, whether intentional or not.


I don’t think the Spanish government qualifies as “far right”. But of course similar tactics are utilised by governments in many other “democratic” countries, with the US being the leader and often the one giving the orders or doing the training. Spain never recovered from 40 years of fascist dictatorship - which was propped up by the US and western capital.

Blame the OP. I saw the video as a demonstration of a drum synth with some people in it. OP is the one that made a big deal over the people’s gender.

I don’t often like to think of myself as the ideal role model of the world- I mean, that’s an Atlas load to carry. Not something I’m not used to, as I’ve had to carry the heavy burden of perfection my entire life, the admiration that everyone cast upon me is merely a drop in the ocean in comparison


I agree, there’s nothin wrong with the video- the problem is in the discussion around it. The video should be about the video, the artists in it- artists. Bringing up the notion that they’re all women is what keeps this phantom class system in place. It feels patronizing in some way.

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+100000, that was very eloquently written. Quite literally couldn’t have said it better myself

I’ve read through this post and you’re pretty up on asking people to do research and not just come with suppositions, but I have seen you make a lot assumptions and refer to probabilities when it comes to why women aren’t as into, let’s say, modular synths as men. And the straw men are littered all over the place.

I don’t really know much about why men and women prefer different things, but from my recent time at university, it seems that a lot of people arguing that it’s only society forcing patterns of behaviour on people don’t either. It doesn’t match their perception of reality if they are presented with evidence for chemical basis being part of the explanation, so they disregard all that evidence.

Now, just to be clear, I think there are loads of negative inequalities between men and women which have societal explanations, I just don’t think that every last one of the differences can be explained by men being misogynists and women being oppressed.

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What? Have you not read about what’s going on in Brazil, Austria, Hungary, Poland, US, Russia is gone, Gemany is on the way…what?