"proper" Techno on Model Cycles - techniques and tricks

Hello everyone!

I want to start a thread about how you guys apporach to do banging techno on the M:C.
Any Patches for the “machines”,sounddesign tips, any kind of workflow tricks are appreciated.

I know it’s a very simple Groovebox, with a huge sweetspot, however not any sound is usefull for the harder, darker side of techno, so it would be nice to cover that here :slight_smile:

In my younger days techno was very experimental. I‘d say fiddle those knobs until proper techno.


Kick and Tone machines need to become your best friends

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Calling @Fin25. Cycles bangers required…


It takes a several few Quadraverbs to summon a @Fin25 I‘ve heard


Get an analog heat, or anything you can use to add some grit, then add a shit ton of pitch envelope to your kick and stop trying to make a decent snare sound with it, fuck snares.

Then get something that’ll acid over the top and bang!


Wow, you even almost got the Metal machine to sound good!




Lush track though :smiley:

One technique I like is using one of the clap presets then turning the gate on, so as long as you hold the key it will play, and set the decay to 0 so when you let off the key it instantly cuts the volume off. Make your trigs less than a beat long and it makes for a good aggressive clap-ish sound.


Lovely track! Are those atmosphere/ pad Sounds from the cycles as well?

Edit: alright i read the YouTube comments, seems like thats some lyra. :slight_smile:

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Thank you.

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What! You can totally make sick snares with the Cycles! Only thing I wish is it didn’t have all that non optional highpass. But yeah it’s very good at distorted 909 type sounds especially if you use the ENV LFO on Decay trick. Kick can make a deep as hell snare but the noise component barely gets loud enough so it sounds lowpassed.


You made the visuals??

All snares are shit.

At least where me and techno are concerned.



Oh, hah, I misinterpreted you. I use snares all the time :wink: but then my “techno” is kinda far from normal…

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I dunno, I like the snares with it. but the claps and hats are shit generally. your hats are some of the better I’ve heard though… awesome track.

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It is a pain in the balls getting the hats to sound good with the metal machine. It takes a lot of pissing about with the LFO and delay/reverb to get something useable.

Cycles on it’s own is a great little box for having fun with.

Cycles plus some decent external grit is a fucking beast.

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For me, “proper” techno is the Detroit kind. The Cycles works very well for that, since FM synthesis and 909 kicks is the basis of the Detroit sound.

For industrial techno sounds, don’t be afraid to overload the output (ala Blush Response). It makes a huge difference for the sound. You don’t need to max it out; subtlety might work best. I also tend to almost max out Dist on most tracks just so that they don’t sound so tame (particularly the Hat an Kick).

After going through some of my patterns and taking ideas from the more industrial-sounding ones, I can give the following tips:

The Snare machine is good for metallic plonks.

The Tone machine can also make good snares and hats. It can make anything, really. It’s worth it to explore all the in-between settings and different sweep parameters. Interesting dirty bass and lead sounds can be made with the Tone machine with color settings like 0.25, 0.5, 1 or 2. Slightly detuned (like 2.020 or 1.001) it makes the sound more nasty. Modulating the shape is usually a good idea. Max distortion recommended.

IMO the golf clap preset (In the folder Factory->CP) is the best one for claps. Punch on, max dist, maybe longer decay, and tweak sweep (if I remember correctly) to change the tone.

The metal machine is useful all kinds of weird noise stuff and strange industrial hats.

If you’re at all into chords in your techno, using the Chord machine with parameter locked retrigs with fade in/out (or just using ENV LFO to create a long attack for certain steps) can make interesting patterns. I also like to parameter lock multiple parameters for different steps to make the chord pattern as interesting as possible. With max Dist, the chord machine can sound dirty.