Proper way to record FX?

I’ve been doing more multitrack recording from my Digitone using Overbridge and it’s super helpful for bringing sketches into my DAW and fleshing out full songs.

However I noticed an odd oversight - I use Reaper so I just pin out the 8 track outputs to individual tracks and record all 4 tracks in real time. But I noticed yesterday when recording a track that the FX sends don’t seem to record on the track?

So the specific scenario here that I’m struggling with is that when you have a drum pattern with, say, snares and hats, you send (p-lock) your hihats to the delay set to 16th notes in order to get a 16th note pattern on the hats. But when I recorded the track I noticed that it was dry, so no hi-hat patterns.

Is there something I’m missing here? How can I record the FX for individual tracks?

As a workaround, I pinned out a new send for the Main L/R and the effects do appear there, but of course it’s all the tracks, not just the drums. Is there a muting trick that might help here, or any other tips?


They’re send FX (imagine sending multiple tracks from a mixer to a single FX box) so the only way to get separate FX from each track is to record them individually in multiple passes.

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Gotcha. I understand the send concept so that makes sense.

So to be clear, the workflow would probably be: record just the drums using the Main L/R output, and then go back and record my other tracks that don’t need FX on top of that.

Pretty much though I’d probably record just the FX on the main L&R and the drums on another track so that you can rebalance the mix of drums to FX later if needs be.

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I ran into this same problem after upgrading to Digitone Keys. I thought with having stereo outputs for each of the 4 tracks that I’d be able record the FX with it. This is the most disappointing part of these machines. I write music with the FX in mind. Delay plays a huge part in repeats for drums for example. I hope someday they fix this.


I run individual tracks into a group including fx where I can add vst fx to each channel etc then run it into a recording group where it gets combined again without the kick
I keep that separate, so I end up with 2 tracks…
plus individual tracks if I want, but normally don’t need them just record 2 tracks

My understanding is that “fixing” it would require quadrupling all internal FX components, which would in turn add to unit’s cost. So, very unlikely IMO.

Physical space wise, I’m almost sure that they could add that for, say, Digitone Keys, :elan: Keys and - most probably - to :elan: MKII series, but I guess they won’t.

To rephrase: You seem to imply that You want FX for each track, not send FX. That would require not cutting corners, but making a number of FX engines to match number of synth voices. I do not mean Oberheim SEM “style” of many identical but loosely coupled modules, mind you; just the - freely addressable (maybe even stackable in series) - sufficient number of effect processors on a board.

Was it done earlier? Sure. I recall that 4-voiced DSI Poly Evolver had only 3 separate delays, but then it had all other stuff doubled for True Stereo - that included all the left AND right oscillators (16 VCOs + 16 DCOs for a total of 32 oscillators), all VCAs, all other FX, all the filters and so on. Most of this stuff was freely stackable, some even between separate units.

There are not cheap units, and then there are units not cheaply made, so to speak.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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How would you do that specifically? Have only wet FX on the master channel I mean.

Sorry if I was unclear.

I just want to be able to record the FX output on each of the 4 stereo channels. Right now, each output (except the headphones and regular stereo output) only push out the dry audio with no effects. Unless I’m missing something.

Not entirely sure on the Digitone. On the A4 you can uncheck the voices going to the main output in global > audio routing so imagine it’s a similar process.

I use A4 MK1 via OB in Ableton. Created a template with this audio tracks:

Track1 dry
Track1 wet

Track2 dry
Track2 wet

Track3 dry
Track3 wet

Track4 dry
Track4 wet

FX send

So basically, which is a pain in the ass but works, i record both T4 dry signal and send the audio from the FX to the T4 wet track. Same for the rest. That way I have dry and wet and can use them individually or not. Pitch up or down the wet get weird results.

I usually record avery long loop of what i think is the base of the track then move up to the other ones and automate on retakes. Renaming the dry / wet tracks “take1 take 2 etc”.

I hate that the FX signal is a master send but it force me to record things in time. There may be other workflows but thats mine.

I just which each track culd be recorded with FX individually and have the option to use the FX as master send.

Open to suggestions.

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You just need to go on Audio routing on Digitakt/tone and dont send tracks to master. Send only the differents pages. So now you only have FX return on the master, and you can listen/rec on ableton or other daw : 9 separates tracks (for DT) + FX return. In the same time.

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