Protective cover fit

hi all,

got a RYTM and an A4 both with cover and to completely lock them into place (when carrying them around) they need a little force. Does this mess up the paint over time and is there a workaround? only found this mentioned shortly in protection threads with no definite answer.

ps: and sorry for the second PL thread on one page :smiley:

I have the lids for both as well. As another person mentioned you could put a small piece of elektrical or other tape into the corners as a buffer but i found that the lids actually snap on with less force the more you use them. Paint hasnt wore off mine at all. They kinda get fitted to the machine from use.

I am not worried about the plastic rubbing off any paint … however,… one of the covers touches my transpose button on the a4 … so when the A4 is on and running weird shit happens on the display !