Pseudo-song-mode using 2 DN's or a DT & a DN possible?

Is it possible to use 2 DN’s or a DT & a DN to send program change information to one another, back-&-forth, so that they effectively tell one another to change patterns at the same time? I guess it would largely depend on whether the command to change programs (patterns) is executed immediately after the currently playing pattern or not.

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Hey, weird that this got no hits all month, I just thought of the same thing in the shower. You could use conditional plocks on the prog changes to stay on a single pattern for longer. This would also have the advantage of defeating the bug with Elektron Sync where one box takes an extra cycle to change pattern. Anyone tried it?

Reviving this thread because: yes! I’ve tried it! But there is a trick to it.

This is how it works for me:

I have DT midi out > DN midi in
DN midi out > merge box
Keystep midi out > merge box
Merge box > DT midi in

I have all the line outs going to a mixer (i.e. I don’t use DT as a FX pass thru/ mixer for the DN)

As @Anfim and @Prints say above, it is possible to send messages to create a song mode. You only need to add info on the DT, because once the DN receives the from the DT, it THEN sends the pattern change automatically back to the DN.

Now, here’s the trick: you must NOT send the on the auto channel, because this gets mixed up with a weird feature on the DT - i.e. the DT sends a funny signal when you press DOUBLE STOP.

To avoid this, you put the DT and DN send and receive to a fixed midi channel (I use 16 because it is out of the way).

Then on midi track 16, I just add a trigless lock on the first note of the bar, and then I tell it to go to whatever pattern I want.

You can even tell the trigless lock to impact on the 2nd cycle of the loop (2:2 conditional) - or the 4th etc. so you are basically able to create an ‘arranger / song mode’.

This works for me 95% of the time. Every now and again something weird happens and the stop sending. I guess it might have something to do with double stop?


Do you double stop?
It is supposed to send CC120 and IIRC it also send MIDI SYNC Prog Change. Did you deactivate it?

I guess your setup works without merger, if you don’t use the keyboard.

I do indeed double stop. Sometimes it affects things, sometimes not. It’s weird. I have not disabled it - because you can’t!?

The issue is that the double stop messages are sent on the auto channel (14 in my case), whereas I use the DN on ch. 16 (it’s listening for messages on 16).

And yes, the setup does work without a merge (i.e. if you don’t need a keyboard)

You can’t disable double stop CC120 send (All Sounds Off), but you can disable Prog Change Send in MIDI SYNC if you don’t use it. Do you?