You guys getting it in orange or black? I’m still on the fence with choice of color…

I really want one in black, would love it setting next to my rusty sh-09. Unfortunately I was really hoping it would be on the lower end of their estimate (€1,350 iirc). €1,500 means I’ll probably have to pass and get one secondhand down the road. I’ll hold my place in line for a couple more weeks and decide lol

Add 20% VAT in uk plus delivery is pushing 2000. So you have to REALLY know it’s what you want. I use my Lyra on pretty much every track, maybe not as the main thing but I can drop it in and out on the mixer. It’s a fascinating machine and I know I won’t sell it, but it’s sound palette is quite specific. I am weighing I’d the pulsar is a long term investment, because it seems like ana actual musical instrument I believe it will be. I’ve spent more in a guitar, so depends on how you see it fitting in.

See, it does pay to request features even at quite a late point :smiley:

From Youtube:
Soarer Music: Vlad please let’s have optional quantization of the trigger loopers. Otherwise we will have to hook it up to external sequencers whenever we want a synced beat.

Vlad Kreimer: As quite a lot of people ask me for it - Ok, will be done.:slight_smile:


Manual is up, good reading.


Why happens in the end ?
1500 out of everyone’s bank account and entry onto the waiting list ?

I think you pay when your potential unit is ready, about a week or 10 days before it goes to next in line…


I wonder how long I’ll have to wait for my unit. If everyone that’s on the waiting list is still in, I’m assuming late next year.

I have bought two instruments from Soma. You put your self on a waiting list. When your instrument is ready they email you. You pay, they ship.
Standard boutique operation.

Very happy with Lyra and Ether. Pulsar looks amazing, but I’m not collecting anymore stuff. I have enough stuff.

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I sold a 79 strat today so I’m funded for the pulsar. It just seems so open ended I’m quite keen. Perhaps I’d like to see some videos with a bit more sonic variety.


I’ll probably not get this yet even though I got the feature I requested. I’d love to own this machine but It’s a lot of money and I still feel that my Rytm MK2 is fantastic.
It’s a different way to work and you cannot save any beats except on external sequencers.

It’s great that Vlad decided to implement the quantized trigger loopers. Probably it’s going to be an incredibly fun machine to make beats and noises on and there’s endless things to explore and play with so one day yes :smiley:
Looking forward to some new demos with quantization.

I think the price may give people pause, when you add tax and delivery it’s a serious purchase. I’m approaching it as a musical instrument purchase for the long term, rather than the majority of units which are bought and sold within a few weeks/months/years. For techno and standard forms there are better cheaper options.

Thought there would be more interest in this now the manual is out. Is the price the issue? Anyhoo I have a couple of things I’d like to see demoed:
Core sounds in isolation, just a run through on each channel.
Sparser compositions - as much as I respect what vlad is about I doubt Stradivarius was best placed to showcase his instruments!
Demos from artists in different genres, patched into other gear, hearing pulsar in a mix with other instruments etc.

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That’s my biggest “fear” with the device. Not sitting in a mix. Vlads demos were impressive but sonically it was all over the place. My feeling is that this won’t sit well with other gear, sadly…

Plus if you aren’t on the list, then expect a puksar next year, so that sucks to :blush:

If the demos have been good quality , why not try making samples / mixing a demo track.

Of course , YouTube etc is unlikely to be good enough for most…

I agree, the demos all use mono output and I get the feeling Eq and filtering might help separate things a bit, so separate outs would help. I like idea of very sparse loops with improvising over the top. Often the best sections to my ears are after a few minutes of experimenting with routing. I hope they get other artists to demo it, see how others interpret it. Right now the demos are all vlad.

That’s a good idea I’ll see what demos drop when it’s ready to ship. I got my name in early so let’s see what happens.

Got an email today that shipping starts very soon. I’m quite near the top so we’ll see.


I was told winter, and I’m not so high up on the list. So they must be working hard to build!

If you wouldn’t mind sharing… When did you put in your preorder? Just curious as I didn’t receive any mail.