Hello dear Elektronaut community, first thing first I’d like to thank you all for this welcoming forum, which has been a great source of information and fun, for the past couple of years.
I would like to share my first album, under the moniker LIXIVIAT. It was due for the 2022 commitment thread (thanks for this @Craig), but life got in the way.
Better late than never, it’s there now and I am super proud of it.
I’d say it is a blend of dark electronic with illbient, dub, indus and doom influences, but I have struggled to define it precisely and I’d love to hear your opinion on this matter.
I think the most important influence on this album comes from Zonal, it had a massive impact on me and gave me confidence on how I wanted my music to sound. Samewise the theme from Twin peaks Fire walk with me, and then Sunset Mission by Bohren und der club of gore were on my mind when composing, even though I have not yet achieved the same mood in my track, as I tend to add too much elements, while in theses examples the music is quite quiet and minimal.
I’d like to mention that none of these song are coming from a jam, I didn’t work that way at all. Instead I spent a lot of time trying to meticulously craft these, one by one on my spare time ( which is hard to find nowadays )
Ok here’s the bandcamp link :
Now for the gear oriented details, all analog bass and leads - also some pads - are from the microvolt 3900b, I used other synths but this one is really the star of the show on this album. I LOVE this synth !
Then most of the kicks, some snares, percs and weird blips are done with the moog dfam, sampled and sequenced with the DT.
Speaking of the DT, I used a lot of the factory samples for the drums too, they are very well made, and it’s easy to tweak them to alter the sound.
Then goes the Digitone, I had it a bit late in the composition process, so it is underused on purpose. I wanted to preserve the sound coherence on the whole album which is mainly analog sounding. That said, I really like this device and it will have more space on the following songs I make.
There are also some heavy drones here and there, the Michael Rucci Maximal Drone is responsible for that. It’s a bit tricky to tune, but that’s what gives this massive wall of sound feel.
For hardware effects, you can hear some nice texturing almost reverblike atmospheres made with the OBNE Black Fountain delay, a slight bit of bleeps and bloops with the montreal assembly CT5, and that’s about it. All the other effects, reverbs, delays, compression etc, are from Cubase stock plugins. I don’t want to spend money on plugins, and instead I prefer to use those I already have with the daw.
Anyway, I’d appreciate any feedback, thank you !