Putting together live set on Octatrack

great post.

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Awesome. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: Would read again. :wink:

thanks mate, great post, Iā€™m also using the transition trick (pickup machine fed with cues and external minisynth),

thing is when using it, I tend to always do the same tweaks (DJ like delaying and filtering out the 1st song and bringing in elements of the 2nd one), and I feel it could be boringā€¦

Shrinking down compositions to ā€œeasy modeā€ is also what I have in mindā€¦

Anyway Iā€™m not home this afternoon so letā€™s get back tonight,

cheers :slight_smile:

Sadness :sob:

On the weekend I learned a very powerful lesson in this ā€œset for live performanceā€ journeyā€¦

Less than 2 weeks to go to my next show and I lost all my work since Wednesday, including a new song I just completed NOOOOO !!

Leads me to my next advice which Iā€™m sure you already know @MonstreJumo ā€“ backup every day all the time hehehe

On another note: Can you explain a bit about how youā€™re using pickup machine to do your transitions ? Iā€™ve been trying to find a variation on mine, but Iā€™m a bit locked in to my method based on the fact that I need to be able to X-fade to the transition track while itā€™s recording.

The method Iā€™m currently using:

Track 1 - 4 vary per song (vocals, resampled loops, additional percussion etc etc)
Track 5 = Thru machine taking input from RYTM has FX controlled by various scenes
Track 6 = Thru machine taking input from A4, also has FX controlled by various scenes
Track 7 = Flex machine which is Xfade level min on all scenes except 9 (transition scene). I have a 1 shot recorder trig set up on the first step and Rlen set up to 64 steps so when I arm the track it will record a 4 bar loop. I have recording set to just record Thru Tracks 5 and 6 (not master). Levels all set up so that when I fade to Scene 9 (on scene B) it brings up the recorded loop (even as itā€™s recording). I didnā€™t want it to record constantly so that I can keep the old song always in the buffer for doing little DJ tricks also also so I can control and decide when I want to replace that buffer.
Track 8 = Master track again for FX, but not for recording

So when I have scene 9 active on B after arming the record ā€¦ audience is only hearing whats in my flex buffer (IE: previous 4 bar loop). I can safely switch to the next song ā€œfirst patternā€ (IE: my Bank A Pat 1, 5, 9, 13 or Bank H Pat 1, 5, 9 13). Right as I see that the pattern has changed on my OT screen (you donā€™t hear the switch if you did it right haha) I start fading from B to A. Which starts to fade out the recorded buffer and fade in all the other tracks on the next pattern (including thru tracks from RYTM And A4).

So the key to the live perfomance is that Scene 9 has to be locked in as the default scene on B for ALL patterns and all parts. If it isnā€™t ā€¦ then when I switch patterns to the next song poof thereā€™s no transition it just fires off into the new music which can be drastically different.

Thats basically it for my transition technique. The reason I use Thru Track only is that I can arm it ā€¦ then switch as soon as I see the record start so you hear the recording while itā€™s recording. Iā€™ve tried to use record T8 (master) but the problem with this is you canā€™t switch to the transition scene until after itā€™s done recording otherwise you hear the old buffer coming out of the master which is essentially ā€œoverwritingā€ what youā€™re hearing. Very frustrating.

If anyone has any other techniques theyā€™d like to share Iā€™d love to hear ! Iā€™d really like to find a way to rec T8 to my buffer instead of the Thruā€™s because I donā€™t hear Tracks 1 - 4 in the transition hehehe itā€™s not that noticeable for many songs because most of the main elements are coming from AR + A4, but it is noticeable if any T1-T4 material gets cut off.

Cheers all,

PS: not looking forward to tonight trying to pick up where I left off 5 days ago :frowning: Really thereā€™s no going back ā€¦ all the material (1-2 hrs per night) came spontaneously and would take me weeks to try and replicate exactly. Better to cut losses and just start fresh.


How did you lose your stuff? Didnā€™t save? Bad Card? Just curious, sounds rough sorry broā€¦

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Went into ā€œPanic modeā€. I was messing with midi tracks and meant to Func+Clear on the track but accidentally cleared the part. I had done substancial work in the project in that session since I last saved the project so I mistakenly opted to ā€œsave as newā€ and try and reopen the other previously saved project and maybe try and replicate the part using OctaEdit since I donā€™t think thereā€™s a way to copy part from project to project ? (perhaps someone can correct me if this is wrong). When I loaded the new project it was corrupt - none of the scenes or FX were working correctly on any parts and my record buffers sounded funny, my transition scene was broken or something. Ok ā€¦ more panic ā€¦ I load up the old project - find itā€™s also behaving strangely also. So I go to back to the last backup I had from last week - load that ā€¦everything works but I lose a song + 4 nights worth of tweaking on the live set. BOOO ahh well lesson learned.

A few weeks back I had a CF card error. Couldnā€™t get it to connect to any machines - in the end windows ā€œscan and fixā€ got it to read again. Iā€™m afraid this has something to do with it - perhaps this caused a bug somewhere ?. I need to make nightly backups - but I have limited time to play and it takes me sometimes up to 30min to get OT connected and backed up (even using @Rusty 's super speedy OctaZip tool). I have issues where the connect to my mac sequence never seems to work no matter what I try (even trying other cables).

Jeeze, if I were you I would get a new card pronto because of that card error, thatā€™s prob why the project got corrupt. Just last week I reloaded my part and lost all these custom midi arps I had just made, somehow spaced that the part holds all the midi page data as well. I think you might be able to move a part to a different project by copying a certain file, not sure though, I bet you could copy it then load the other project and paste it. Iā€™ve had best results by having OT powered on and connected before starting the computer, but ymmvā€¦

Ugh. Sorry to hear that man. I second @Open_Mikeā€™s recommendation to get a new card as soon as possible ā€¦ itā€™s a few bucks vs. a lot of heartache.

Not individual parts, but banks can be done. The basic method is go into your project directory and copy the bankā€™s file onto your desktop. (I canā€™t remember exactly what theyā€™re called but theyā€™re numbered 1-16 as opposed to A-J, and thereā€™s a saved and working version of each.) Drag this new file into your new project. All you need to do then is make sure all the samples are assigned correctly ā€“ the transfer only copies the locations in your flex or static list, not the samples themselves.

To save time, I usually wait till Iā€™ve got a few parts in a project I want to copy over and put them all in the same bank before doing it. Also good to keep at least one bank free in the destination project so you donā€™t accidentally overwrite anything.


I think itā€™s time to get a new CF card @ON-OFF-ON

Yes. Use OctaEdit. Select the appropiate Part, then just use the white drop menu in the ā€˜Partā€™ group of the Sequencer and Copy/Paste. Or Save to the Library for later.

You can use the copy/paste/save/load functionality across completely different Sets and Projects.

Or use the Manager module, and set the Element to be ā€˜Partā€™ then just define the Source Part(s) and the Target Part(s); again,you can use this functionality across completely different Sets and Projects.


Thanks @Rusty You are the man as always !

Going to pick up a CF card right away. Iā€™m assuming OT has a ā€œformat CF cardā€ option then itā€™s simply a matter of copying my set over ? If Iā€™m heading to the compie store should I pick up a CF card reader and start using that to read it on my mac/PC or should I stick with the method of not ever removing the CF card due to the possibility of damaging OT/Card ?

Going to try and bring a full copy of my set with me on a separate flash drive and do some tinkering on the go.

Iā€™ve never been worried about losing the live set until last night ā€¦ hearing all the scenes go haywire on every pattern was unnerving ā€¦ 12 more nights to practice before the show :wink:


The elektron gods will bestow upon their operating thetan new and improved songs.

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Oh and I have an OH-shiz backup plan. All else fails pull OT out of the mix for the show and just go on AR+A4 ā€¦ no FX, no tricks, no frills, manually do the transitions by bringing elements ā€œup/downā€ and changing patterns with no prg-chg. Would be hard and sound much less interestingā€¦ but good to have a failsafe.

Backup #2 bring the set on my phone and play it through A4 and tweak with filters, plocks and LFOā€™s as it plays through LOL

Backup #3 play straight from phone to PA and breakdance on stage.


Youā€™re more then welcome :slight_smile:

Project -> System -> Card Tools -> Format Card

Yes, because they are pocket money ($5? $10?); but I advise leaving the card in there, but what do I know?

Backup, backup, backup.

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I might be overly cautious but Iā€™d probably load a project backup from an earlier date than the card error to the new card and go from there, just to make sureā€¦

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Iā€™d say thats good advice. But duplicate the backup, then copy/paste as required between the old backup and the latest state.


Iā€™m going to attempt to play through the set as it is on a fresh card and see if plays through fully. I need to rehearse anyways :wink: If it gets bugs Iā€™ll swap to an older backup.

Luckily the main music originates on RYTM and A4 and Iā€™ve intentionally kept all the parts similar across all banks and patterns. Track 1-4 varies with each song, but it never the main elements - itā€™s always ā€œflareā€ like shakers, vocal chops, noise woosh etc etc. If I had to build it all again from scratch I could ā€¦ but Iā€™d be hard pressed to make it work in 12 days hehehe

Tonight Iā€™ll know the extent of the damage!

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Hi, sorry for your loss :confused:

My transitions are not very different from yours,

Using track 8 as a pickup track, recording cued tracks and input A for a little monotron synth.

In all my banksā€™ parts, scene 16 is XMAX for pickup track and MIN for all other tracks,

When I need to transition, I manually trig the pickup recording with one touch on the left red rec button just before the pattern restarts and then one touch on the right red rec button, so as it records 4 bars. then I xFade to scene B16, mute some unwanted tracks (I usually let kick and sub unmuted) and switch pattern or bank.

I have to save all my first parts with scene B16 active so as to be sure all is ok when transitioning.

When the next pattern is playing, and some tracks muted, I usually filter the loop, maybe delay it, and I xFade to the left with no active scene. pickup track still playing, and I progressively mix the FXed loop with unmuting tracks, when Iā€™m finally ready to switch to the next pattern while finally muting or fading the loop out.

I can use the external synth to feed the pickup track, live playing synth wooshes and blip beeps thru either the synth delay or pickup track delay, and I can also record the synth while recording the cued track. I can use this pickup track either for transitions, or add some layers where I want, but for now Iā€™m not used to it enough, my transitions are a lot buggy, too long, and with lots of errors ah ah! And I also feel all my transitions follow the same scheme, a bit boring, Iā€™ll have to add some spice here and there, maybe some more ā€œbuild-upā€ samples and some vocal snippets maybe,

there Iā€™d love to have an OP-1 for these improvisational transitions!!!


Very interesting - thanks for the explanation.

I havenā€™t thought of using Pickup machines yet for transitions, but perhaps itā€™s worth a try.

In my personal experience Iā€™ve found that anything (for me) thatā€™s complicated during live can lead to mistakes. So I try and simplify movements as much as possible. Iā€™m even removing lots of little ā€œtricksā€ and things I did in my last performance for the next one - I found the complex scenes and ā€œmassiveā€ changes (IE: remix tracks with re-sampling, filtering, and reverse playback, stuttering etc) sounded too abrupt on a PA. The subtle gradual scenes, changes, performance elements were most natural. Iā€™m also playing chill tech house, not hardcore glitch or D&B or something wild hehehe

Ohhh and PS: almost back to where I was before I had the CF card error ! hehe Full steam ahead !

Cheers Nicol !


I use pickup transition trick because I want to be able to monitor my external synth and play it when I want, but i just realised I also could use the input with a flex machineā€¦ because Iā€™m not actually layering loops in the pickup machineā€¦ (I tried it an it was nice, but I wonā€™t do this live anywayā€¦)

and I realise, if I can still use the external input with DIR=MAX on a flex machine trackā€¦ then all my problems are GONE!!

problems with pickup transition trick :

  • scene-locks WONT WORK, and even without scene-locks you can have FX bugs on pickup machinesā€¦

  • you got to manually trig the recordingā€¦

So I may get back to ā€œclassicalā€ transition trick with flex machine ah ah!!
Gotta try thisā€¦ got a gig next saturdayā€¦

Gotta work more!

Thanks Walter and all thread members!


this is what i would suggestā€¦ all CF cards are slotted directly onto bare metal pins inside the reader - there is no ā€œconnectorā€ type plug which protects the pins, and they can get bent extremely easily by just pressing on them the wrong way - its just part of the design of CF cards, which is to say, shitty

also, CF cards themselves may or may not be more susceptible to EMF type corruption, and behave more like floppy disks as opposed to a USB flash drive in terms of how vulnerable they areā€¦ i think this ultimately comes down to the brand and manufacturer and specific model of card, but from what I understand that kind of failure is more common on CF cards than on things like SD cards and flash drives and so onā€¦ so in that case, you want to limit the amount of time its hanging around outside of the machine

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