Putting together live set on Octatrack

Thanks for the advice @invisible_acropolis

Thanks also for the help @Rusty

I just picked up a new cf card it actually loads and transfers much quicker than the old one.

Also I’m VERY happy to say that I fixed all my project problems ! The old card was no good … everything running fine now.

Full steam ahead back to work getting ready for the show - only a few days behind where I need to be !



Right on @MonstreJumo I have a gig that same day. March 18 :slight_smile: Good luck on yours.

I actually have my synths coming in through Thru-track and then I can affect them using scenes, P-locks, lfo’s all type of madness. The only downside to doing transition using Flex track + Thru track the way I have it (VS: single Pickup track the way you have it) is that you will lose another track. Since the thru track is needed for input, but the flex track is needed to be the recorder (can’t record on thru’s).

Does anyone know if you record MAIN or T8 Master does it also catch the DIR in ? That would save using another track :wink:

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It does yes, I did it tonight and I’m sure tarekith also showed this in a video on X fader transitions a long time ago. Look it up bud, good luck, I don’t know how to link YT videos…


I’ve managed to find ten vid and paste the link up there but can’t get a window up


Hahahaa now the window pops up :grinning:


Yep, all you need is one flex track to playback the recorded loop for a transition trick. A little clarification: the track recorders are their own separate entity not tied to flex tracks. One lives on each of the eight tracks but is not tied to any one of them on the playback side. A flex is usually used to playback a recorder buffer, or you can save and assign to static, or just have it record to be saved and played back later from other gear(using no audio track). I think of it more like three ot sections: audio/midi/track recorders…


Hi everyone,

as I won’t have enough time to rework my live set for the gig I have on saturday,

I’ll keep on using my pickup transitions for now as I’m used to it (at least more than using flex trig recording),

I have one question:

Is it somehow possible to have a pickup loop to STOP playing when switching to the next pattern?

That’s my biggest concern for now, and this is where I quite always fail my transitions…

I’d like the loop to stop, but keep the delay tail running as the next pattern brings the groove in…

I can do it manually but I’m generally tweaking lots of stuff during these transitions, and I’d like to have this loop-stop kind of automated with the pattern switch…

I can’t use another part (at least without deep rework on the whole live set), I can’t have any pLock or trigless trig…

and I can’t use scene lock with the pickup track’s AMP VOL because pickup tracks can’t use scene-locks…

any idea?

Thanks in advance :smiley:

@ON-OFF-ON : I can’t have 2 tracks for my transitions… maybe one day if I get DigiTakted but for now I need all my tracks! Cheers

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@ON-OFF-ON and @MonstreJumo

Are you crazy kids doing a collab? And if not, why not?

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because I don’t know how to have my pickup loop stop when switching patterns ah ah!

more seriously, because I’ve been over-busy since months between my jobs transition, my house to repair and my own live set to prepare :wink:

But I’m open to collabs for sure!

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Pickup loops will stop if you have starts silent turned on either globaly or per track for the same track number of the pattern your switching to. The fx trails will be cut when a trig is reached on the same track of the second pattern, so if theres a trig in the first step there will be no trails…

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Thanks a lot Mike!!!

there will be no trig in the sequence since it is a pickup track,

I didn’t think using “start silent” option, and that’s all I need for now!


I totally know the feeling, my friend ! There’s no way you make a huge change this close to a gig. I made some tiny changes to mine - few tweaks to the scenes, but I’m just rehearsing and working on 1 more track at this point.

Knowing your music, I’m sure your show will go fantastic :sunglasses::elot::cb::champagne:

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Thanks for reminding me @Rusty !

I think same as you, Nicol, I also got busy getting ready for this show. I have a long break until my next one so collab could be a fun distraction. I’ve done a couple in the past it’s fun/exciting to hear your music come back with someone’s totally new idea over it. Could be easy since we both work in OT - plus I’m dying to see how you program your stuff :wink:

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hey there, nice to hear that, same for me, I’ll have some spare time after this weekend, let’s rock the place :sunglasses:

thanks for the support, gotta have a little rehearsal tonight to be sure all is allright in my 8-banks/128 patterns live-set!



Awesome Stuff! Went straight to my bookmarks :slight_smile:

Are you using the RNC on your main out for compressing your sum?
How do you perceive the benefits of it?

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Hi @limmyjimmy ! I actually stopped using the RNC for live. I might start using it again if I can get a configuration that works, but I’m fairly certain it was killing all the low end in my basses. There is a trick using the side-chain input/output loop where you can add a highpass filter so that the compression in only acting on frequencies above where you filter it, but I haven’t quite figured this out yet. I opted for no compression and just really careful mixing of my sounds for the performance. To achieve this I just record all my rehearsals and reference them later on different systems to find problem areas, make notes, then go back and tweak.

I gave the advice to someone recently: If your want your stuff to sound good on a PA, don’t use any tricks (DAW or hardware) to make it sound better. If it sounds good straight out of the machines, then it’ll translate well on a system. If you have to process it in DAW for it to sound good, then probably needs more design or more mixing work.

Nice, thanks for the tip. Seems logical.
The only enhancement that I use in this way is the Compression on my MachineDrum which goes through a mixer into my OT and then I use some light compression on my Soundcard for the Main Output.

The only thing I could imagine now is putting the RNC on the Machinedrum for having more control over the compression track-for-track-wise, leaving other low-ends like basslines etc. untouched.

Still fairly new to this, thats why i feel the need to check for other opinions :slight_smile:


Good luck with your show tomorrow Nicol !

I’ve been practicing every night for mine hah

Will hopefully have some videos to post for everybody since my wife will be shooting a few.

STOKED :smiling_imp::wine_glass::cb::elot::elan::thup:

Hey thanks mate, my show was last saturday and it went very well, too bad I didn’t realise that using the headphone jack with a recorder would only record cued tracks… ah ah, I got 1h15 recording with only the cued tracks, too bad because I played the live set quite without mistakes and a good groove ah ah!!

I wish you a great live tonight!!!