QPERF macros for Rytm

Hi all,

Been learning my new Rytm MK2 and love it. I am having issues figuring out how to assign macros to each quick performance encoder after I press the QPERF button. Does anyone have tips on how to assign these? I’d love to be able to set filter cutoff to one encoder and compression settings to another and so forth.

From the manual :

Make sure PERFORMANCE mode is active. Press and hold the [PERF] key for a short while to enter edit mode.
There are 12 assignable performance macros available, one for each pad. Select which macro to edit by pressing one of the [PADS]. When performance edit is active, the bottom of the screen reveals a list showing, from left to right, the performance macro number, the number of locked parameters, an option to clear the macro and an option to clear all macros. Use the [ARROW] keys [LEFT] and [RIGHT] to navigate through this list.

    PERF shows which performance macro is edited. Use [ARROW] keys [UP] and [DOWN] to select another performance macro to edit.
    LOCKS shows the number of parameter locks assigned to the performance macro. This figure will only change by adding or removing parameter locks (see below).
    clears all parameter locks assigned to the performance macro that you edit. Press [YES] when this option is highlighted to clear the macro.
    clears all parameter locks on all the 12 performance macros. Press [YES] when this option is highlighted to clear all macros.
    While keeping the pad pressed, various parameters can be locked to the macro by turning the DATA ENTRY knobs. Any parameter, from any of the 1 3 tracks, can be locked to the macro. Choose the drum tracks from which the parameter locks will be assigned by pressing [TRK] + [PADS]. If parameters from the FX track are to be locked to the macro, press the [FX] key. The parameters available for modulation and macro assignation will be visible on the screen.
    When a macro is edited, the pads of drum tracks containing parameter locks will glow half-bright red and flicker. The active track, from which parameter locks are currently set, will glow full-bright green. If a macro contains FX track parameter locks, the [FX] key will flicker while editing. When a pad containing a performance macro is pressed during edit, parameter locks are shown with inverted graphics and their modulation depth values (provided the particular track, and the particular parameter page where the locked parameter is located, is active) are also shown.
    A total of 48 different parameters may be locked to any of the 12 performance macros, in any combina- tion, for each kit. For example, 48 parameter locks may be used for a single macro, two macros may use 24 parameter locks each, four macros may use, say, 2, 4, 10 and 32 parameter locks, and so on.
    • While the process of editing a performance macro is similar to editing a scene, the pa- rameter locks have a completely different functionality. Whereas scene mode locks are fixed values, performance mode locks are modulation depth settings.
    • If, for example, the TUN parameter on the SRC parameter page of the BD track is locked to a value of +24, the performance macro will, when engaged, perform a relative increase of the TUN setting of the track Sound between 0 and +24, depending on the amount of pressure applied to the pad to which the performance macro is assigned. 0 if no pressure is applied, 12 if medium pressure is applied and 24 if maximum pressure is applied.
    • If the TUN parameter is locked to a value of -24 instead, no pressure will produce a rela- tive value decrease of 0, medium pressure -12 and maximum pressure -24.
    • Note that the offset is relative to the general TUN (or any other) parameter setting: if the general setting is 30, a parameter lock with a modulation depth of +24 is set, and maximum pressure is applied to the pad which contains the performance macro, the resulting value will be +54.
    The macro of each pad can be copied, pasted to another pad or cleared using [FUNC] + [RECORD]/ [STOP]/[PLAY], respectively. PERFORMANCE mode settings are stored to the active kit. Remember to save the kit regularly with [YES] + [PLAY MODE].
    Once the editing is done, simply press the [PERF] key again to exit edit mode. The parameter locks you entered will be activated whenever the pad containing the performance macro is pressed, provided PERFORMANCE mode (but not performance edit) is active. The relative modulation depth of all locked parameters will respond to the amount of pressure applied to the pad.

Quick performance gives you the possibility to control one or several of your performance macros with the QUICK PERF AMOUNT knob without being in PERFORMANCE mode.

  1. Press and hold [QPER], and then press one or more [PADS] or [TRIG 1–12] keys to select which performance macros you want to control with the QUICK PERF AMOUNT knob. The [PADS] and the [TRIG 1–12] keys correlate to the 12 performance macros you have at your disposal.
  2. Release [QPER].
    Every time you perform this procedure you remove any earlier assignments.
    For more information, please see “10.4.1 PERFORMANCE EDIT” on page 29. Once you have select-
    ed which performance macro to control, use the QUICK PERF AMOUNT knob to control how much the performance macro will affect the tracks.

thank you and are there any tutorial videos on how to do this for Rytm? I will check also. Just need to hunker down with manual and machine and no distractions. I will say it is easier to learn than my OT!

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A quick rule of thumb is there really only 2 modes…
Performance Mode, where the 12 pads are pressure sensitive and can control single or multiple parameters at once.


Performance Edit Mode, where you setup which parameters each of your 12 available Performance pads actually control, and how “deeply” they control said parameters. These settings are saved with each Kit.

The Quick Performance Knob is there to have a great feeling, rotation limited potentiometer which is always accessible no matter what mode your 12 pads are in.
The QPER button is just a hot key to allow you to use the first 12 trig keys to select which of your 12 performance setups the Quick Performance knob controls.

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I was confused for a while too, just got an analog rytm mkii a few months ago. its not as confusing as the manual makes it seem.

press and hold [perf] for a second or two. this will allow you to enter new ‘locked’ parameters and those ‘locked’ values will be effected by pad velocity or [qperf] knob. when you are editing the ‘locked’ parameters, the values will be highlighted in white with a plus or minus before them, indicating these are relative values to what you have entered outside of performance mode. to switch any performance pad to the qperf knob, just hit qperf and then a pad, now the knob will affect those values instead of velocity of the pad. just play around with it and you figure it out. don’t get overwhelmed, just choose one feature to learn each time you sit down with it and before long you’ll be an expert.

To enter Perf setup menu

  • select Perf menu
  • press Func+a pad, release
  • chose a track, including the FX track
  • press and hold the pad, lock any parameter

Escape by pressing e.g. Play Mode

To assign a Perf to quick Perf, hold QPerf button and select one or several Perf with the trigs

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Sorry if this has been covers I can’t find it
Please advise oh wise people :hugs:

Perf tweaks knob values, so no. It is not an effector.

For more dense triggers (pre-programmed) upon pressing a button, you could try Fill.


with a workaround, it can, but only for 1-shot-samples, i guess.
for example, use a snare sample, and assign loop + sample end to a perf pad.


Nice one thanks I’ll try that out

many thanks! I need to explore my Rytm more this year.

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