Questing to Digitone sound designers

hi guys ! I hope it will be a simple question for ppl who knows fm synths . Im trying to recreate the LOG DRUM sound ( preset of Fruity Loops DX10 fm synth) with my DT . The sound I’m trying to reach in this video

starting on 3min 10 sec . it’s not a Basic preset . Im not sure if it layered with 808 or something but its sounds awesome . Im sure DT can make sound even better than this and if its not so hard please share some tips and advises with me


I think you’re right to think the DN excels at sounds like this.

One thing to experiment with is to vary some parameters along with the changing pitches of the line. The “Filter Keytrack” feature lets you do this automatically for the filter cutoff, but also experiment with (for example) parameter locking higher A and B modulation levels on higher pitched notes.

In the linked example I hear timbral variation going along with the pitches.

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First thing I would do is to analyse the DX10 preset, because you seem to have it already:

  • how many operators are needed
  • which “algorithm” has been used
  • what are the frequency relationships between the operators
  • how envelopes have been applied

Then I would compare the analysis with the facilities of the DN and try to rebuild, if nothing critical is missing.


Cool sound. A fun sound design challenge. It seems that there is some modulation on the filter or resonance, or enevelope depth so that’s something you can tweak once you get a sound close enought.
I only spent 10 minutes on it so it’s by no means supposed to be the exact sound but here is what you can try:
• Algo: 5
• C, A, B: 0.75, 0.25, 1.00/1.00
• X/Y mix: -20
• A Level: 40
• Decay: 50
• Release: 50
• Freq: 35
• Res: 30
• Env. depth: 20
• Same envelope as FLR
• Drive: 50
• Dest: Syn: Pitch all
• Wave: Exp
• Depth: 30
• BPM: 32
• Mode: TRG


hi man! thanks for advice ! if I did it correctly without mistakes - its sounds good but not like a LOG DRUM to be honest ! any way it was a good time !

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Yeah, I guess the hard part is to get the pitch right and to make it sound hollow.

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thanks for showing me a new artist that i immediately fell into a new relationship with.

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Like this? :slightly_smiling_face:


yessssssir ! )) how did you make it ?)


you are welcome my friend !

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I’m busy now but I’ll get back tomorrow. Try Algo 1 with mix all the way to the right and no filter. I only used the operator B.


thnx friend , I will try it ! !


Yeah, doOd, you nailed that sound

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How did it go? The fun thing is that I had already made this sound last year and just recorded it like it was. Here’s the cleaned up sound with more low end like in the track:

Digitone FM Log Drum
(From init sound, adjust only these parameters:)

Algo 1
Op.B: 1.00, 0,25
Mix: 63

B Env Decay: 24
B Env End: 0
B Level 81

Env Atk: 0
Env Dec: 40
Env Sus: 0
Env Rel: 30
Vol: 100


don’t know how to thank you man !
one question - is it was your idea or you heard this sound and decided to recreate it ?

maybe SYN B Env Decay 20 ? when I making Env Dec 2 its now working

if 20 so I made it , and it sounds great . in original log Drum sound there is something like very high attack or transient so it more punchy then subby (like they layered rim or something)
usually they using sub bass preset like eFlute in DX10 and Log Drum more like kick or high bass if moving up the octave

just listened to your demo again and its sounds way better then I made . I think I made a mistake somewhere

Your’re welcome :grinning:
Right, sorry about that, it is 24 not 2 :grin:
Yes my own idea but happening while experimenting with making percussion sounds.
Your sound should be the same if you set the parameters I listed.