Question about DN to DNK SysEx Transfer

Hey guys,
Just upgraded my DN to a DNKeys and have a question about transferring over all my projects;

I have a few sound packs stored on my DN and I have my DN projects utilize them. I want to transfer everything to the new DNK but I want to make sure i keep the new Factory Presets that ship with the DNK while transferring my old projects and sound packs…
Can i do a sysex dump from my DN to my DNK with all my old sessions while keeping the new factory presets on the DNK and still have my sessions link up to the proper sounds and patches?

Thank you!

Bumping this topic as i am now in the same boat…
I would like to take all projects from my desktop module and get them onto the DNK, and factory reset the DN for a sale. Do i have to go through the DN project by project and save to my computer, or is it possible to dump the whole contents in one fell swoop? The manual seems to imply that its a per project procedure…
Also realizing here that i have never backed up my DN. Not once. :grimacing:


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Thank you @PeterHanes
I suppose id better get started then!

On a similar note…

I assume it is possible to send sounds and patterns directly from DN to DNK, without going through a computer?

Reason I ask, is I have a DNK and I am considering adding a DN as a travel/couch unit. Fast and easy tranfser of ideas made on DN over to DNK for further work would be essential. And the DN would be freed up for drum duties and such. :slight_smile:

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It is.


Went off off without a hitch, i transferred all my projects to the DK from the DN via computer, using the C6 program.
the only hitch i ran into is making sure i double clicked on the file i wanted to send to the DK, or in any case id say the unit wanting to recieve the .syx file.
Then i clicked send, after having my DK set up to receive, and it worked.
Just make sure you are in an empty project on the device ready to receive the .syx transfer…!
loading .syx info into an already existing project wont work.
so, start new init project…
then begin your .syx transfer.
save project AS whatever you wanna name it, i keep project names alive across devices just so i know what im looking for, but thats up to you…

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Hey there,
How’s the transfer process going?
I’m also considering to but a DN desktop version as a take away box away from my studio where my DNK sits.
Also, im not using a computer (and it’d be a bit of an effort to bring one there) so it’d be super convenient to do transfers from
machine to machine directly. Does that go well too?

Oh yeah, it worked great!


Great thank you!

Bought a desktop DN yesterday, excited for it to arrive and have it around more easily and more often than the DNK :smiley:

Can u or anyone else explain the correct procedure of how to transfer a pattern from DN to DNK via midi (without a computer)?
Can’t make it work…

This is what I do without success:
DN midi out connected to DNK midi in.
On DNK: Settings / sysex dump / sysex receive / pattern: A02, I hit yes so “WAITING DATA” appears blinking.
On DN: Settings / sysex dump / sysex send / pattern: A02, I hit yes and in an instance it says “COMPLETE!”
…back on DTN it still reads “WAITING DATA” though.
I also checked the midi settings but cannot find anything suspicious.
Also tried a different midi cable without success.

Thanks for your help!

What MIDI settings did you use?

Did you check whether the pattern actually transferred?

There’s so many MIDI settings, ill sent photos later.
However, I didn’t think that any of those settings would affect sysex communication?

How can I check if the pattern did transfer? On the DN (sending unit) it says „COMPLETE“ but really right after transfer just started. Not sure if it can transfer that fast?

You should only need to check that the DN is set up to send messages using the 5-pin-DIN MIDI output (instead of USB), and that the DNK is set to receive messages in the same way.

You can listen to the pattern!

If you are only transferring one pattern then the transfer should be very, very fast.

This is frustrating, still cannot get it to work.
Contacted Elektron last week but didn’t hear back yet.

On Facebook, someone suggested to try using a USB type B to type B cable which I haven’t tried yet (as I don’t have one).

For you it works via Midi right?

That would not work. USB connects a USB host to a USB peripheral; the DN and the DNK are both USB peripherals.

Perhaps you could describe your MIDI connections and MIDI settings as previously suggested. This would help us to trouble shoot your problem.

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Thanks, mate.
After Elektron support got back to me I finally have it working now, with a strange way to lead there:
First, I transferred a pattern using SysEx dump from DN MIDI out via a USB-MIDI-interface into my mac. I did the same from my DNK.
I didn´t use those SysEx files on my mac any further.
After that procedure - using the exact same MIDI settings and cable setup - transferring patterns between DN and DNK via MIDI does work.
I cannot find a reason why it works now and didn´t before as I didn´t change anything. As if SysEx dump had to be unlocked via the use of a computer once.
Anyways, I´m happy it´s working now.
With the only downside being that Sound Locks are not transferred across projects correctly. I hope, they will implement that in i future update (just mailed them a feature request with this and other things in it).

Again, thanks for everyones help!