Question about live recording while pattern chaining on Syntakt and Digitakt?

Say I create a pattern and copy it 16 times, then create a pattern chain using all 16 patterns. Can I live record parameter changes (filter sweeps etc.) and pattern mutes as the chain plays and have those changes saved in each pattern? Or will parameters jump to their saved values when patterns switch?

The parameters will jump to the saved values when the patterns change. At least this is the way the DT operates. Not sure about the ST but I’m assuming it’s the same.

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But does live recording parameter automations not save new data to those patterns?

Thanks, so you can’t just jam out a song and have it record the changes. Makes sense but just thought I’d check.

I think it will record the changes to the currently playing pattern, but as soon as the next pattern plays it will jump to the originally saved parameter value.

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This is correct

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