Question about Scale on Digitone Keys. HELP

Hi guys, i’m trying my best to find this info… Reddit, Manual, people who use it… No body wants or seems to know how to find the answer to my question.
I’m going crazy overthis cuz i have a digitone and wants the Keys but i have this question before :

How’s the digitone keys react to force scale ?
When you set a scale in the menu, how’s the key react ? Only the said not will play ? Does it automaticly quantized to the right note when you play one who’s not on the set scale ?

Plz help a fellow out ! :smiley:

Sorry for bad english.

When you set a scale, and play a key that is not in the scale, it plays a note that is close and in the scale, as described in the manual (though the manual talks about an external keyboard and not the built-in one).

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Yeah exactly, with my digitone, when i use an external keybed for it and set a scale, it doesn’t play the note who’s not in that scale. It just play nothing.
that’s why i was wondering… Manual is confusing for this part, i read it a few times lol

Okay, I think the manual is describing the situation accurately. But I also had to read it a few times (and English is my first language).

The keyboard keys that are associated with notes are filtered out by the scale, mirror notes of adjacent valid scale notes. This behavior ensures that a sound is always generated when you press a key. On the [TRIG] keys keyboard, the set scale limits which keys that are playable. It is also the case if you use an external MIDI device that sends on the Digitone Keys’s AUTO channel.

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you’re my savior. I’ll trade my digitone for the keys.

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I think you will enjoy it!