Question about the model cycles sequencer

Hello, this is my first post here. Model cycles is my first bit of elektron gear, and I’m extremely impressed. I have a question about the sequencer!

I was listening to one of the preset tracks (think it’s called analog fonk or something) and I noticed that it was progressing like a complete song, even past when the sequencer had looped back to the beginning - ie the drums started to come in only when the sequence played for the second time, the melody the third time, and so on. I couldn’t find anything in the manual about how to pull this off - can anyone help me here?

Also, it would be really useful to know if there’s a way to find out what specific trigs are already applied to a step. Cheers!

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Welcome @Voxish.

Lost Fonk right? That one really impressed me, too.

I think what’s happening with the drums is all the trigs in T1 and T3-T5 have the trigger condition ‘Not 1st’ applied.
That causes those tracks to stay muted during the first playthrough of the pattern.

To see these trig conditions, hold down a trig, hold down FUNC, and turn the ‘Chance/Cond’ encoder.


Amazing! Thanks so much for your speedy response. I’m still wrestling with quite a lot to do with this box!

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Me too. :wink:

…warm welcome…

nd yup, that sequencer engine u got in front of u now is exactly what runs all other elektron instruments…so, dig deep here…conditional trigs, parameter lockings, individual metric lenght and half and double timings within the same pattern make ur 64 steps max stepsequencer a monster of options…

have fun…and be warned…ur starting to develop a swedish addiction from here on… :wink:

Is Model Cycles ext midi sequencer much more limited that Digitakt ext midi sequencer? Thanks a lot!

Yes. No CCs, no chords, no dedicated MIDI tracks.


On the plus side it has retrigger capability, which the Digitakt for some reason doesn’t

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My guess is MIDI bandwidth.
Since models aren’t sending CCs, MIDI LFOs, chords, there is headroom for accuracy of the rapid notes needed for MIDI retrig.

And for Digis, which have a couple more MIDI tracks as well, it’s the other way around.

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Don’t the digi’s have 33,33% more tracks than the Models? :thinking:


Sure! Edited.

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