Question about usb MIDI controller+adapter and Analog Four MKI

Hello guys. I want to plug a Icon usb MIDI controller (simliar to Nano Kontrol with faders) to my Analog Four MKI and have seen by Ebay this usb A to B adapter.


My question is do someone of you know if this could work?
Or could it damage my A4 if I plug it?
The MIDI controller doesn´t have power supply, is only USB powered.
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you all!

…can’t damage, but won’t do the trick…

to adress the a4 with external cc’s u’ll need some computer hub or external hw midi/usb hub…

ur a4’s usb connection can talk ob protocol which includes all kinds of midi message crosstalk, but beyond that, u’ll need to adress it’s physical midi in port directly…

so, if u want an external hw controler, exclusively and only for ur a4, it needs to be a self powered one with pysical midi ports…

Ok reeloy, good to know. Thank you very much for your help!

…a bit more effort to set up, but a4’s internal macro control performance settings can do wonders…without adding any further devices…

have a closer look…it really unlox a totally. new level of expressiveness within ur a4 and morphs ur synth into a kind of multi controler of it’s very very own…

Thanks for the tip man, I´ll take a deep look into it

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