Question For the Travel Agents

Planning for a trip next year from Arizona to Lithuania with a stop in Paris. Any experienced international travelers out there who’ve got some insider information/tips on how to nab deals or anything else you might wish you had know?
Thank youuuuuu.

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What kind of traveling are you doing? Backpacking and hostels? Hotels? And are you looking for general travel advice or more location-specific info?


Paris will be a hotel, Lithuania will be with a friend. Was seeing if anyome on herr had experience finding cheap fares and had tips on saving money, lile “the best time to book a flight os 54-52 days out”.

You never know who’s on these forums.


I’m no travel agent, but I’ve done some international traveling. The farthest out you can typically book is about 11 months. Right now, Delta has round trip tickets for $650 (assigned seat at check-in) or $850 (choose your seat at booking). Those seem like pretty good prices.

Here are some tips from my experience:

-Avoid American Airlines. My experiences with them have been shit.
-Put an Apple Air Tag (if you’re an iPhone user) in your checked baggage, that way you’ll know as soon as you land if you’re luggage made it.
-If your hotel offers car service from the airport, use it. It’s typically only slightly more expensive than a cab and way less of a headache than public transit. After a long flight, figuring out how to get to your hotel while fighting a language barrier can suck.


Thank you!

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Antibiotics can not cure everything that ails you so be safe and have fun!

Also be careful on trains because even in this day and age people still regularly get their stuff stolen or robbed while they’re asleep.

And losing a passport to thieves is a huge hassle when traveling abroad for more than one reason.


Also, it looks like Delta flights from Phoenix connect through LAX or JFK. Go with the JFK connection to break up the flight. 10 hours in economy is brutal.


Book your flight a minimum of 30 days ahead. Within two weeks is where prices jump considerably. Avoid U.S. holidays if possible.

Hotels in Paris are much cheaper outside the tourist areas, obviously. Rails will get you everywhere.

Give yourself ample time at CDG, I’ve had to do some jogging in that airport.


This is true! I almost missed a connection there, and we were jogging.