Questions about using a synth as my master keyboard, but also sequencing it with the Digitone

So I use my Digitone as a sequencer as well as an FM synth. I have the midi out of the DT chained to control my other synth gear and it works great.

As a master keyboard, I’m using my Prophet Rev2 to play and record my other synths. But I would like to also sequence the Prophet from the DT.

This is where I get confused as to how to properly do this. I’m running a MIDI OUT cable to the Prophet’s MIDI IN.

I have a MIDI Thru box and it is sending the DT’s MIDI OUT info to my Prophet, MS-20, Minilogue xd Desktop, and my Analog Rytm MK2.

The auto-channel of the DT is set to 10 so I set the Prophet to Channel 10. I’m able to control the other MIDI tracks with the keyboard, but I have to turn down the volume of the Prophet. When I want to sequence the DT I make a new MIDI track set to Channel 10 and I am able to record a sequence with the Prophet. When I choose another MIDI instrument I just turn the volume of the Prophet.

Is this the best way to go about this? I think this is just a pitfall of using a synth as my main keyboard. I’m just wondering if anyone else is attempting the same thing and has a different solution.


This should be applicable for you

Don’t know if the Prophet supports something like “local control off”

The Rev2 has a Local mode toggle. It’s in the Global parameters menu. Turning Local off will disconnect the whole panel from the synth; they’ll only send over MIDI/NRPN. The neatest way to use it is to have the Elektron Auto-channel set the same as whatever your Rev2 sends on. This way, you can pick one of the MIDI channels and control whichever synth you want (assuming they’re set to other channels).

You can also turn on Multi-mode and have the Rev2’s layer A and B respond to different MIDI channels.

In my experience, it’s all a bit fiddly and annoying. I’m fairly sure some panel controls don’t send MIDI, or don’t receive MIDI or something. Things like configuring LFOs don’t seem to work properly when using Local Off. You kinda have to create the sound with Local On as a separate step of your workflow, and then go to Local off to do other tasks.