Questions on routing

hey brochachos/brochicas
I’ve recently acquired a digitone to pair with my octatrack mkii and digitakt, i’ve already got a great little routing setup for when I’m running everything through the OT.
question is I’ve started experimenting using just the two little digi boxes (wow do these two work amazing together! almost as if they’re made for each other;) and I’m wondering, taking into account the fact I dont have a nice little external effects box such as a microcosm (yet/Soon™) what do yall think is the best way to run them audio wise.
A: tone through takt and take advantage of that sweet sweet compressor?
B: takt through tone and get the extra sauce of the chorus?
thanks in advance :smiley:

I’m gonna say tone to takt so you can sample and free up tracks on the tone.

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yeah great point!.. and man… the compressor really helps glue the sounds from the tone into the takt mix very smoothly