Quick question about the digitone (mute colors)

sorry if this has been posted before but searching didn’t quite yield the results I was looking for
and I looked in the manual but couldn’t find this either

what is happening when you press [pattern]+[T1-T4] or pattern + track select buttons
they go violet, then if you mute them, they go blue
really curious what’s going on here, just different mute modes?

anyways, thank you for the help if anyone knows

i found it confusing too at first.
white = not muted
red = global mute (track will stay muted after you switch patterns)
purple = pattern mute (track will be muted only in that pattern)
blue = red+purple AKA track is currently pattern muted and also under global mute

P.S. consider renaming topic to something like “what mute colors mean”, will help others who seach for it in the future :v:


yeah I didn’t even know if that was whats happening
thank you, pattern mute is a good idea

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