
I didn’t like Radiohead until I saw this. I’d had people tell me for years how awesome they were but they didn’t really click with me. Then one day I’m on a flight with very limited in-flight entertainment and the TKOL basement session was under the music tab. I was hooked by the end of “Bloom”, completely blown away watching the rhythmic interplay and the live horns. When I returned home I saved up at my $10hr job and bought myself a delay pedal.

Over the last 10 years I’ve grown to love their other albums in their own right but this is peak Radiohead for me.



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Looks like Thom has a Waldorf STvC in front of him. Such a random choice. And it also looks like he swapped the Zarenbourg for a real Rhodes. Interesting stuff.

Why is that a random choice?

I’ve never seen anyone use it before and it didn’t sound like he used the vocoder. So I’m wondering what inspired him to use this pretty obscure piece of gear over the dozens of other synths he’s brought out at different times.

Couldn’t decide whether to post this in the Thom Yorke thread or here, but since this one has been more active recently … um, here you go:

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i like their electronic autechre style stuff, but strummy guitar and whaling vocal bores *** **** *** of me.

theyre quite popular … what do i know… :slight_smile:

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I disliked Radiohead for a while because “Creep” felt like a ripoff of the Hollies’ “Air That I Breathe”. Then I read that it was more of an homage, with the B-section deliberately added once they realized the similarity.

This version makes me want to hear “Rain Dogs” era Tom Waits covering it.

Is this a joke (serious question)? That’s his official YT account right? Like WTF??? :sweat_smile:

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i presumed it was someone using ‘paul stretch’ thing…i skimmed through it, cant deal with the entire track .

It feels like Thom is trolling himself but also has a weird flex going on. I really have no idea. Radiohead is a band I love dearly and also love poking fun at, so this track fits right in to the narrative somehow

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Definitely some trolling going on. The Thom Yorke ft. Radiohead and ‘Very 2021 Rmx’ seems just like Thom’s peculiar sense of humour. Then the song :upside_down_face:

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I know it was made for a fashion show or something. So it was probably intentionally ironic?

The irony makes no doubt to me. Come on guys

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I see it as a tentative to disgust any person still into this song.
As funny as unbearable :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I think I prefer the 2021 Creep to the original :rofl:

Was never really a fan of Pablo Honey. Can’t recall the last time I actually listened to it actually - probably 15-20 years ago haha. So hearing Creep in more of a post Bends Radiohead style suits me just fine.

I think it’s glorious: really uncomfortable and unhinged. It seems to invert the focus of the song. The original is hopeful, redemptive, empowering for the outsider; an individual reclaiming their identity and acceptance. This version paints the insiders, perhaps everyone, as creeps: our behaviour as creepy, our times as a dirge. The sound design is wicked… the big synth lead is startling and the vocal so sickening, but not so much that I, at least, had to turn it off. Great work.


Omgomgomg FINALLY

Cut up and remixed sounds from sessions, creating a whole new record?


I don’t have Instagram and it’s basically a locked system now that won’t let me see comments. I watched the video but it didn’t say much. What is this meant to be, do you think?


The two CDs into one jewel case mixed and wrapped in tape. Magicians hands gesticulating sleight-of-hand…

I think (hope) the idea is they’ve taken all the leftover material from Kid Amnesiac seasons, cut it up and taped it together for a “new” album. That’s my guess.

Does anyone recognize these hash tags?