RAM external sampling

Yep yep, no luck sadly. Although buying a Focusrite Scarlett was partially for this aspect of the MD to begin with. Ah it’s very disappointing.

do you have any tracks muted in the MD ?

— what sound source did you try to record when not the focusrite? a keyboard? a micophone ? mobile phone? a sampler?

If you can hear the signal but it is super weak, first try to raise the output gain on your outboard or raise the input gain on the MD. There are some RAM sampling volume parameters that you can tweak for input gain and I believe the manual has a walkthrough.

Another possibility (I don’t know this for a fact) is that there is an input amp on the MD that has gone south. 99% of the time it is a setup/user issue as it all can be a bit fiddly, but maybe this is the 1%.

No tracks muted. I’ve recorded with the focusrite: Shure SM57, Korg ER1 mk2, Arturia Microbrute. No problems with any of them.

It’s not even that it sounds weak, it doesn’t even sound complete, you know what I mean? Like it’s extremely tinny. I tried to mess with the output gain and also have tried the input gain for the RAM samples, tried everything I could find online and in the manual. At this point if it was user error I would give whoever could fix it my house! Haha.

What cables are you using to sample?
If you are using a Y-cable, I am looking for a house actually.

Please explain your sampling set up in as much detail as possible.

hey, as much as I wanna help, I think I am going to abandon this thread, because, and please dont get me wrong here, and I say this with peace and love …

this thread is (for me ) full of misunderstandings

Dual 1/4" to dual 1/4" running from input a/b to front of focusrite 6i6. Tried some other combinations into back output too but nothing. Focusrite connected through USB cable to computer. That’s about it. Trying to keep it simple.

unless i am mistaken, and I hope I am … I assume you may try to record the inputs from the focusrite, to the inputs of the MD … which will result in dead silence … again, i am off here … pics please , no wait, I am outahere

Dual 1/4" to dual 1/4" running from input a/b to front of focusrite 6i6. Tried some other combinations into back output too but nothing. Focusrite connected through USB cable to computer. That’s about it. Trying to keep it simple.[/quote]
Well you can still simplify FURTHER. You’ve really, really got to understand this point.
Why use two cables? Use one.

Now - as for the FRONT of the focusrite, are you using the inputs or the headphone outputs?
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are using the headphone out. If that’s the case, that is a stereo jack, not a mono one, and you shouldn’t be using it unless you are using a y-cable PROPERLY (one thing that happens a lot is people use these backwards).
Anyway, if you are using the headphone out with a single cable, going into the MD input, which is mono, you are effectively and problematically cramming two signals into that one channel. Often times, this causes the signal to cut itself out.

I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening.

You should be using your focusrite in the correct way, using the main outputs. But we were trying to eliminate the focusrite to show that your md was functioning properly, but I think you were doing that wrong too.

Anyway, I still think you should forget the focusrite for now, you’ve got a bit of learning to do just to get the MD to sample properly in the first place. I don’t think you are incapable of doing it, but you’ve got to do it one step at a time and you keep bringing in this focusrite and using it incorrectly and so it’s hard to tell where the problem is.

You need a MONO signal going into ONE input. If you use your phone to test, use a 1/8" plug that goes to TWO mono 1/4" plugs.
If you insist on the focusrite, then you need ONE 1/4" cable in the main out of the focusrite ON THE BACK, going into input a of the MD. Then there is a whole slew of software options on both the computer and md that can still get in the way - again why i recommend leaving the focusrite until you’ve figured out the md is working.

What is the address and when can I move in? ;]