RAM external sampling

Hey guys! New to the world of Machinedrum sampling.
I followed instructions using the Input A/B machine, the RAM-record and RAM-play machines.
But no luck sampling songs from my computer.
I have the Main Outs connected to Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 Main Ins, and the A/B Inputs connected to a single Output. The audio interface is connected to my computer through USB.
I can resample a beat internally though. Am I missing something?

i wrote a walk through in this post…hopefully that will help.


and sometimes i’ll forget to put a TRIG on P2 so i won’t hear anything and it’s typically the last thing i’ll check. :confused:

Yea you are creating a feedback loop - you probably don’t need any of the cue volumes turned up for this set up, leave them down.

You could try it simpler, without the feedback loop. Unplug the MD outputs from the computer and get it working right with headphones first. Then figure out how to route / configure yer computer setup.
Also, check your ILEV.

Hey thank you for the quick response. I tried those steps as if my computer was the xoxbox but no response. I also noticed when I turn the Cue 1 or Cue 2 up all that plays back is a high pitched feedback sound. The Midi Out on the MD is connected to the In on the Interface
Do I somehow need a separate cable or program for my computer? I was just playing a song through VLC music player.

Yea you are creating a feedback loop - you probably don’t need any of the cue volumes turned up for this set up, leave them down.

You could try it simpler, without the feedback loop. Unplug the MD outputs from the computer and get it working right with headphones first. Then figure out how to route / configure yer computer setup.
Also, check your ILEV.[/quote]
Yeah I left them down for the recording aspect. It was just a test to see if there would be any playback.
I tried recording with the ILEV both at 0 and at 64. The only thing the computer is connected to is the USB routed from the audio interface. Technically the MD outs are only connected to the audio interface. I may be misunderstanding what you are saying though.

This video, for example. What cable hookups are needed for this to work? Would it work for my Scarlett Line-out into computer?

man, sorry that didn’t work.

so, in the video it just looks like a normal 1/4" cable with an 1/8" adapter on the end for the iphone, nothing special.

and i’ve been using my md standalone so i haven’t had any experience running my computer into it. when you do figure it out, please post results. :slight_smile:

You are. If your MD outs are connected to the audio interface, then they are connected to your computer.

I really think you are doing too much at once - so eliminate as much as possible.

Make sure computer audio is coming through the focusrite using headphones.
If you can’t do this - then stop - and get it to work.

Focusrite outs to MD in.
Headphones into MD.
ILEV at 64. Turn MLEV to 0.
Turn up the cue volume on yer RAM machine to make sure your getting sound into the MD.
If you can’t get this far - stop - make sure you get this to work.

Push the RAM record trig.
Wait a few seconds while it samples.
Push the RAM play trig.
You should hear your sample.

From this point you can try to further the setup, routing it back to the focusrite or whatever - but point is, do one thing at a time.

do not mute the recording track or the play track …

I had this problem and the only thing I could get to work was connecting the MD directly into the computer audio, which sucks because it lowers the quality of the sample and it’s a hassle to constantly have to disconnect the dual 1/4" to 1/8" from the audio interface to connect it to the computer’s audio jack.

Even though you had to deal with this, there is a way to make it work properly, and your problem might not be the same as what’s going on here.

You’ve just got to make sure a lot of things fall into place.

In your case it sounds like your audio wasn’t routed properly via software to the output - also if done correctly, the quality of the sample really shouldn’t be noticeable (unless you have an extremely crappy onboard soundcard).

You are. If your MD outs are connected to the audio interface, then they are connected to your computer.

I really think you are doing too much at once - so eliminate as much as possible.

Make sure computer audio is coming through the focusrite using headphones.
If you can’t do this - then stop - and get it to work.

Focusrite outs to MD in.
Headphones into MD.
ILEV at 64. Turn MLEV to 0.
Turn up the cue volume on yer RAM machine to make sure your getting sound into the MD.
If you can’t get this far - stop - make sure you get this to work.

Push the RAM record trig.
Wait a few seconds while it samples.
Push the RAM play trig.
You should hear your sample.

From this point you can try to further the setup, routing it back to the focusrite or whatever - but point is, do one thing at a time.[/quote]
I’ve had sound through my headphones the entire time. Atlhough when I try Cue I can’t tell if there’s any external audio playing through the MD since it’ already playing on the computer. Is it because I have both the Main Outs and Input A/B connected?

Also, I haven’t muted anything else.

if you are using a focusrite 2i4 (or probably the 2i1) and use the chinch out, then these outs are FAR TOO QUIET to be picked up the the Ram Record MD… try the headphone out instead, there you could also just quickly check that you are hearing the output (because you plug your headphones into the headphone out of the focusrite first to eliminate problems)

try this: headphones into MD.

smartphone out into MD in

record (smartphone) with MD (ram record) , play back with MD, report back to this forum

It could be - I am not sure, that’s why I’m trying to drive the point home to simplify your setup so you don’t have to wonder - set it up so you know what should be happening.

If your MD is only going out to the headphones, then you know you’re not hearing anything through the computer - so yes, disconnect the main outs.

Really, take the steps I’ve laid out and try them one at a time, with nothing else connected, and don’t move forward until you’ve got each step working properly.

I figured out the problem! Apparently the cable my roommate gave me had a bum 1/8" connector. Had to listen with headphones and tweak around with it to even get sound through the headphones without the Main Outs plugged in. Thank you guys so much for your patience and helpfulness! Cheers

glad you had it figured out! … now we want proof that it worked, so please post a track :stuck_out_tongue:

I shall get back to you after that new cable makes its way to my mailbox :slight_smile:

Mkay nevermind, it’s actually NOT the cord.
I can hear the playback fine but for whatever reason the signal is super weak even with the ILEV all the way up, and when I try to record a loop all that plays back is crackling static. I know everything is set up perfectly and my audio interface is brand new; perhaps it is the Machinedrum that’s faulty? I’m wondering if I should reach out and contact Elektron support.

did you do the “not with your audio interface” suggestion previously mentrioned in this thread?