Really basic question RE: muting

Hey all!
Former MD owner here just refreshing myself on the basics again now that I am back in the game (for good this time)
I seem to recall there being a way to mute playing tracks by holding down FUNCTION and simply pressing on the tracks rather than using the MUTE menu - is this a thing? If so, is there a setting that needs to be enabled for that to work?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hold [FUNCTION] and press [A/E] to access the Track Mute window. Then you can use the TRIG keys as you wish. Then release [FUNCTION].

See manual, pages 44 and 45, for more details.

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Cheers! - ok I think I was probably misremembering something from a different machine then.

Octatrack does that at least. But could it be youโ€™re thinking of holding func in the mute menu? The states you flip while holding func donโ€™t come into effect until you release it.

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