Receive MIDI while stream all tracks with Overbridge.. is it possible?

Hi there!
Is it possible to control the Syntakt (for instance from ableton MIDI tracks) and, at the same time, multitrack record all tracks output with overbridge?

The main use I would like to give to the machine is to record and mix in a DAW the drums for my songs. And without a song mode I was thinking that maybe I can send MIDI from ableton and capture all tracks with overbridge… but reading the manual it seems that this two MIDI modes are exclusive and can’t be achieved at the same time. Same for MIDI loopbacks + multitrack record by overbridge… ?? Anybody achieved it?

I know I can chain patterns when powering on the machine than record all tracks with overbridge but it doesn’t seem a very flexible workflow. I’m not a good performer, just want to compose the drum for my songs and multitrack record them to produce everything inside a daw,