Receive only clock from BSP Pro to Rythm

Hi Guys i’ve problem
i’would recevive only the clock signal from BSP Pro to Rythm without receiving triggers from the sequencer. So only the clock signal for synch, because the sequencer of the BSP I need to send the triggers to the modular. I tried to select only Clock Receive from the rhythm menu but when I activate the steps and the rhythm is synchronized but as soon as I activate the steps on the BSP the rhythm channels are also played.

any solution are welcome, thanks in advance

Not familiar with BSP Pro, but if you can send clock only to the Rytm from the BSP, that would be the beat solution.
Otherwise, you’ll have to look at how your midi ports are set up. Try channeling the send, and turn off “Auto channel” in the Rytm midi port menu.
Good luck!

Maybe the dip switches on the back of the BSP need to be set to Midi.