Receiving Midi Notes from external controller

Can someone help me here please. I’m hitting a brick wall with this. I want to play the AR Chromatically with my S37 keyboard. I’ve checked that Midi is being sent and received and also checked ‘Receive notes’ is active. What could I be missing here? Probably something simple no doubt.

Are you using the midi in or USB?

Check your midi input from and output to settings under midi config -> midi port config. Set whatever you’re using.

Next is to make sure you’re sending on the corresponding midi channel for the sound you wanna send notes to.

Then it’s good to know that the range is limited so the AR won’t respond to all 127 midi notes from your controller.

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Thanks for the response.

Ok, I’ve tried ‘Both’ on AR in vrs ‘Both’ out on S37.

I’ve checked ‘Receive notes’

I’ve got the S37 midi out channel set as CH 16. I’ve set Track 1 on the AR to 16 too (not sure that’s what I’m meant to be doing?).

On PROG CH IN, I’ve tried setting it to Auto and CH16 (which is that meant to be?)

I’ve also checked the full range of notes.

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Did you check in “Midi configuration” -> “in” as “Midi”? Could be set to “USB”.

Yea, I meant to say, I’d tried it as ‘both’ and just ‘midi’ to no avail.

When I connected my Rytm to my electronic drum kit, the Rytm would not respond to messages until the drum kit was set to transmit on Channel 14.

This seems to correspond to the Midi Config > Midi Channels > Auto Channel value which is set to 14 on my machine.

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I’ll try this when I get home, seems strange that it would only receive on that channel though. Had you tried changing the channel under ‘auto Channel value’?

Using the auto-channel might work but you really shouln’t have to if you don’t wanna. I mean the auto channel is basically just for getting midi notes to trigger the currently selected track. That’s just fine and dandy and very good in some cases but you won’t be able to change track in a setup like that without getting your “chromatic” midi data ending up triggering the “wrong” track.

What about you take some other midi gear and try sending notes to the tracks on their corresponding midi channel? Does that work?

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You were right Techno-Mystic, it seems to work on Channel 14 only for some reason.

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That’s strange…

Yup, and channel 2 only for PRG Channel Receive it seems.

I have noticed that Auto Channel has an OFF setting, perhaps you could try that.

I did a search on “S37 keyboard” and it didn’t really reveal anything, is it a rare piece of equipment?

I haven’t had a chance to test the Rytm with my drums again yet, but I remember the situation. My drum kit transmits on one channel, with each pad transmitted as a note. Each note appears to correspond with a track on the Rytm. It seems strange but it works fine and it is working the way I expect it to work (kick pad fires BD1, snare pad fires SD2 etc.) so I’ve never bothered to question it so far. I did have to adjust the transmitted notes on the drum kit to get it to fire the correct track.

I would also like to test my MIDI controller but I am still waiting for a USB converter plug to arrive in the post.

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Sub 37 I meant, I was abbreviating. It’s sorted though, your first suggestion was correct. Thanks.

Resurrecting a really old post here but seem to be having the same issue.

Rytm not responding to midi notes. Everything suggested above has been checked and is set correctly. I’ve even set the midi channel to 14.

I can send midi cc’s to and from the Rytm just fine. I can also send midi notes from the Rytm as well.

Ive tried multiple sequencers and ableton but nothing seems to work.

Input from set to midi
Receive notes checked

Im on os 1.50A

Any ideas

Just adding here in case its useful. Think Ive solved it (partially anyway). Seems I had a midi conflict when the performance channel was also set to channel 14. Ive turned that channel off and it seems to work now.

Doesn’t always trigger from Ableton (it does it like 1 out of 4 times???) but spot on from any other hardware I have.