Recommend an FM synth & sequencer iOS app

Hi, I’m new to iOS world and seeking some advice –

I am looking for either an FM synth + sequencer, or separate FM synth and sequencer apps.

I want to record long sequences of notes in, and then easily automate the fm parameters afterward in multiple passes. I already have GarageBand but nothing else. And I’m not yet fully versed on that. Wondering if there are tried and true apps people like for this.

My favorite FM sounds are the ones I use in Plogue OPS7 with a little bit reduction. But I’m open to anything that sounds fairly rich in terms of digital FM.

I’m curious what others will recommend. For FM I got KQDixie and found it tough going (very true to DX7, but on the upside plays dx7 patches), but then really gelled with Nambu. It has a good arp and 2 16 step sequencers in its mod matrix but not a sequencer proper.

Drambo is a great elektron-style sequencer and it has built-in synth components or can host and map controls to other apps, including the 2 mentioned above.

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I have my eye on Nambu for FM (haven’t bought yet) and Drambo for sequencing (have bought, haven’t used yet). You might also look at the relatively new Buttersynth, which has a 4-op FM engine along with several other types, including extensive wavetable support.


Sugar-bytes Aparillo is really nice, and is a free download on iOS (the in-app unlock enables saving patches, midi, and auv3 to us it inside other apps).

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My favorite iOS synth is the ID700 — a port of the criminally underappreciated and impossible to find Buchla 700. But it’s obviously not “classic” FM in a whole lot of ways.

In the “classic” vein, in the 6 op world nothing beats NFM for ease of use. If looking for something a little more “DX” like, Phasemaker is a solid pick. Going down to 4 ops, and a little more educational, the venerable DXi is really innovative in the way it illustrates how envelopes and modulation actually result in what you’re hearing. A wonderful tool that I still patch on when I can get away with 4ops.

But none of these have integrated sequencers. The “Ruismaker FM” is decent specifically for percussion. But for what you’re talking about, I don’t think anything’s going to beat Drambo. It’s an octotrack sequencer (including locks and scenes) plugged into a modular snyth engine. And those modules support FM out-of-the-box. To my mind, it’s the clear winner.


Depends if you want for iphone or ipad. Because not all ipad synths/apps are available for iphone.

For sequencing, of course, the mentioned Drambo. Of the FM synths, Bleass Omega is the nicest and most user-friendly for me. And both are available for iphone and ipad.

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Plus it has automation.


Sequencers: Helium AUv3 MIDI Sequencer, Atom Piano Roll 2, Xequence 2, MIDI Tape Recorder

FM synths: OPL AUv3 FM Synth (2 operators)

Also check out Audiokit’s ROMplers with FM-type sounds such as King FM, Saga, VHS Synth, etc.

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Thanks for all the advice everyone. Since I’m using an iPhone I am starting out with Nambu and Drambo. I can already tell this is worth using alongside the hardware I like to use, the sounds are exceptional and of course Plocking in addition to motion sequencing is really familiar and useful.

Using Koala which I pickup up the other day inside Drambo too, though I’m not yet sure if it’s necessary with what Drambo’s sampler has to offer. I have ID700 for when I use it on the iPad but the plan is to do it on the go. That one seems perfect for automating in Drambo, with how strange and hard to understand the parameters are.

Really interested in the other suggestions, looking forward to getting through more of them at some point


Enjoying Drambo running Nambu, model d, and koala. Only scratching the surface, but already feels like I’ve been missing out on this expansive world