Recommended MIDI Chain for MD/OT/A4


I’m setting up my MD, OT and A4 to work together and I’m wondering if there’s a recommended configuration

MD > OT > A4
OT > MD > A4

etc? Any reason one setup works better than another?



Both should work fine. The OT is generally regarded as having a more flexible MIDI sequencer (in terms of timing and independence of tracks) so, if that is important to you, you might consider putting it first in the chain.

i found it VERY annoying that when using the inputs of the MD, I have to assign input machines in EVERY kit … much easier on the A4, just increase the volume for the inputs, when creating a new kit …

ot is as PeterHanes said the most flexible, and has most fuckery options …

normally i would say …OT first…then A4 and the MD…
but since i have noticed that the MD is slightly late in midi clock, maybe it would be better to connect it as master…run a simple test with a click on each machine and compare if there`s any lag of the MD. then decided whats best for you. lucky me i have an acme 4 so i can pull the MD a little forward a few ms. dunno if it works when putting the MD as master…but’s worth a try. :wink:

also u can use the midi ctrl machine to mangle the OT then :slight_smile:

BIG EYES ! … any video of that out there?

i dunno if there are any vids out there…
but this is simple…just imagine you “animate” the crossfader with a midi machine…just set one encoder to ctrl 48 and put some triggers with diff. values to alter the crossfader from the OT. :slight_smile: …and so on

i think theres also an scene A and B selection CC which could be “animated”

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hmm. thanks for this brief explanation… dont get me wrong here, but it is soooo much nicer to have a half way decent tutorial … cheers switchbox!

mhm…im pretty busy atm…but maybe i spend a little time on the weekend to place a simple tut :wink:

I, and I assume other memebers of this community would probably appreciate that a lot ! … tanks switchbox :stuck_out_tongue:
