Recommends on a eurorack filter

I think that was a good decision.
The dipol give you the opportunity for two completely independent Filter.
This does not work with the QPAS and the only drawback of this one (for me).

This was literally the reason I chose the dipole over the QPAS but I will eventually want to try both.

Like the sound of the old Akai samplers?

That Z-Plane filter is very distinct. If I were to get into Eurorack this following recommendation would be an instant purchase.




MUM M8 is killer. Absolutely love it.

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Iā€™ve tried QPAS, Dipole and Blades and theyā€™re all great. But the Blades might be my fave! Itā€™s the same HP as QPAS, so itā€™s a drop-in replacement :slight_smile:

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MUM8 is def on the filter list, there is/was a well priced mint one on the second hand market a few days ago but opted for the MI Blades as a first filter (stereo/dual).

Also, I find ALM one of the most likeable little eurorack brands.

If I hadnā€™t already the Morgasmatron, then I would get Blades
Good times for Filter-Lovers :heart_eyes:


My only real life modular friend was in town and we decided to have a masked up jam session together (I was recently tested, and heā€™s super safe).

He brought his Make Noise shared system (so we could dock together) and we spent a ton of time playing with the SSF Stereo Dipole. Heā€™s totally sold on it. He wasnā€™t even looking for a filter (itā€™s way more than a filter).

We had some reeeeeally interesting sounds coming out of it.

Everything from drums, the juiciest diarrhea, to ambient organic woodland creatures playing in a foggy forest at dawn. My recently built Befaco Rampage assisted with audio rate modulation and strange patterns to get it talking.

Itā€™s a very versatile great sounding filter to sum it up.

One caveat; itā€™s easy to overdrive the input. So an attenuator/verter at the audio inputs is helpful.

It was my first real deep dive into the Stereo Dipole and I LOVE it even more! Pairs amazing with Befaco Rampage and Frap Tools Brenso :slight_smile:
Iā€™m sure it pairs with anything well though.


QPAS is a stereo filter and I enjoy itā€™s playability and all the outputs (4x stereo) available all the time. And that is huge plus for well stereo processing :slight_smile: While you can do 4 pole stereo with Dipole you donā€™t have same possibilities with available outputs. Anyway after getting my first two filters MI Ripples (2020) and QPAS I can see that Iā€™ll get at least couple more along the way. Filters are amazing and sorry OTs filter is nowhere near any of these.
And yes I would like to get Dipole, but I think my next one is going to be Belgrad.

Oh yes - i use these feature in almost every patch.
Have you try to modulate FREQ1 input with the HP output?
QPAS pairs excellent with Shapeshifters Chordmode, even more with little modulations on the radiate inputs.
I could literally bath in that sounds for hours :heart_eyes:

Itā€™s not the ā€œsameā€ but you get outputs for each pole as well as a sum of all 4 on a separate output. Each filter can be set individually between LP, BP, HP and series or parallel for each pair of filters.

yes, Iā€™m familiar with topology of Dipole (I was about to get it, but local dealer had QPAS). As you mentioned ā€œitā€™s not the sameā€, I would say itā€™s nowhere near the same :slight_smile: While you can have separate output of each pole you canā€™t have 4 pole LP/HP/BP/SP at the same time (and that is just one difference in these designs). Iā€™m not saying its better, those filters are very, very different to the point where you canā€™t really compare them, but you can have your own individual preference.

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Does anyone have the Ikarie yet?

Agree, I was amazed where you can go with one sound source and parallel processing of different outputs.

Iā€™m loving the spread controls on it, so many modulation possibilities with the individual freq knobs and the stereo knob. Iā€™ve barely scratched the surface but itā€™s so nice.

Iā€™ve only got a small ā€œdroneā€ system with one voice in progress so my filter needed to be good.

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I agree and Iā€™m definitely not saying one is better than the other :slight_smile: They are each their own thing. Itā€™s also a very personal thing as to what works for each individual.

I just wanted to make sure you (which you obviously are) or others reading were aware that you can have all of the shapes at once (one shape per filter x 4 filters) with the stereo dipole mixed at the AB dipole output. As well as individually (one different shape per filter) at each of the 4 pole outputs at the same time.

I like to make sure people are informed is all :hugs:

Yes, me too! I got awesome sounds yesterday using Rampage to go from audio rate modulation to low frequency modulation on the spread controls.

If itā€™s not obvious, Iā€™m loving the Stereo Dipole right now as well :crazy_face:

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There is a bias towards whatā€™s new and shiney. I hope some of you out there consider Mutable Instrumentsā€™ new stereo multimode filter, Blades.

My personal favorite filters in eurorack ended up being the Pittsburgh LPG mk2 and the Intellijel Polaris.

The LPG mk2 is just the best filter to add into a feedback delay loop to make something sound like old school dub. Also the LPG in resonant filter mode gets really hot when it self resonates and running that through the Gristleizer VCA makes a glorious distorted sound. The LPG mk 2 is cheap on the used market, and only 8 HP. Itā€™s unglamourous because there is no twist on the format. There is one big knob for frequency, a mode switch, and a trim pot for CV. But somehow nothing else quite fills its shoes (and I have auditioned a couple replacements). I think it must be the vactrols.

The Polaris is really underrated filter. It tracks v/oct and has audio-rate linear FM, a ton of different sub modes for the popular filter types, and has a built-in drive circuit that is more subtle than the Gristleizer but still adds character to sound. The Polaris is also very tidy at 10 HP while not feeling cramped.

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I do, but havenā€™t racked it yet. Still getting familiar with the Bifold, with the MUM M8 and uVCF on filter duties. I will sub the Ikarie in for the MUM M8 at some point and report back.

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qpas vs dipole = question of life :smiley:

I went with the qpas. But if I had seen this video before, I maybe would have bought the dipole instead. I wish the resonance on the qpas would really kick in a bit later instead just turning the res know from 7 to 9 o`clock.


