Record Digitakt AND iPhone synths

I recently started to support my DT with my iPhone 13 running Drambo, great combo.

Drambo is just used as a sound source, control is from the DT’s MIDI tracks. All plays fine on the DT over headphones. DT and iPhone well balanced and in sync.

When trying to record the performance on the iPhone using AudioShare, only the DT audio is recorded. This does not seem to be a problem of Drambo, same thing happens with other synths on the iPhone.

I tried to mic the Drambo and DT outputs using Audiobus feeding into AudioShare, but then the audio of the DT and the phone is completely out of sync.

Any suggestions how to monitor and perform on the DT and record everything at the same time on the phone?

Maybe Aum (app) could get the job done. I’m not an experienced user, but I was able to record some op-z jams that included both internal and iPhone synths. It was a while ago, so I won’t be able to give a more detailed description of the setup.

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+1 for AUM

The latest Drambo update can record stems. You tap the little tape icon on each track to choose which to record. If you also run the DT’s audio through Drambo, you will get a folder full of individually-recorded tracks.