Record Notes Into Sequencer

This has been asked a few times over the years but I’m still going round in circles…

Decided to dig out my A4 to give the OB beta a go. I’m on a man with Live 10 and a Push 2. Everything is working surprisingly easily with little fuss but I can’t seem to get notes played via Push to record into the A4’s sequencer.

I have individual midi tracks that are triggering the 4 synth tracks fine. I’ve tried setting up a 5th midi track for the auto channel but no joy. I have note record on, input from set to “midi + usb” and live rec on trk ticked too. Must be missing one tiny thing here - any ideas?!

EDIT - Sake, added in a midi track and targetted the A4 rather than the OB plugin and it seems to be working now! Feel free to delete or close the thread.

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