Recorder buffers for looping and live sampling

The way I roll I always have the sequencer going when launching or recording pickups, if I want silence there’s a blank pattern or everything’s muted. I play dancy music, I don’t mind being synced to the sequencer…

The whole recording is always available on the main loop PU or flex, my start points I use for remix remix tracks…

Ok so your flex mangling don’t necessarily play the whole recordings length, that’s it?
(even if it’s in time)

I use the same 64 step remix flex to remix loops of 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024 from the main loop PU or flex… Sometimes I mess with its scale of the remix track but not relative to the size of the main loop, all scale sizes seem to work for me with start point beat rearrangement, for example I may rearrange a 64 step loop with scale 1 on a 64 step flex with scale 1, 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8…

I tend to keep my master pattern length at 512 so tracks can play out and use a chain after setting of 64 for pattern change…

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They pick beats out of any length loop but then play them in the confines of a 64 step pattern. If my main loop is 1024 steps I can still rearrange beats from any point of it and play them in my 64 step remix, I lower scale if I want it to be longer…

Ok, with scale changes, it’s clearer for me!
Mathematica loops!

I’m surprised I’m even having this conversation right now… Been a few long sleepless nights… :wink:
Your folks turn! :smile:


This post from this very thread has audio examples:


I understand what you say and it’s very interesting, but if you just want to record a loop with the PU (variable lenght), play it (Track + Play on PU), and later turn on the sequencer (it was stopped), and with a flex with a one shoot trig in the first step and Loop = on … ¿ is it not possible to launch the flex when the PU starts the loop (even if it is in the next cycle) and they sound at the same time? (synchronized). It is a simple question to which I have not found an answer.

Never tried. :thinking: Not with my OT right now either for testing…

I’m thinking that maybe I can record the loop in a Recorder buffer (listening to the inputs of a Thru - CUE on - and SRC3 of the recorder in CUE, then stop the recording whenever I want with a foot controller and at the same time send the Play to the flex (I do not know if it will be possible, but I will look at it) with a preconfigured One shoot and Loop =on.

With a midi processor anyway I’m sure you can stop a recording, and play it just after.

Not sure if it works in all conditions but I succeeded to play a recording just after its end :

Midi loopback
Play Free midi track with C#4 (Rec INAB), just followed by C2 (trigger Track 1), with-23/384 microtiming, midi channel 1, one shot track, mode ONE, Quantize = 4

It controls track 1, which don’t have trigs
Flex, with Recording 1 assignment, rec setup AB, MAX, ONE2, loop on, Qrec = 4, Qplay = 4

So if I press once, it records and play, if I press twice it stops recording and play it. :loopy:

Clear as mud? :smile:


Have you used microtiming to move the 2nd trigger near the first one?

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Yep. Edited. You’re ready to use the OT. Just buy it! :smile:


Haha, @tnussb has been studying the manual and answering questions and he doesn’t even have one, that’s great… :smile:


Hey you guys are getting deep.
Don’t want to derail too much but a quick question…
Can I record quantized loop lengths longer than 64 (when not at 120 bpm)?

You can use Rec Setup 2 Qrec and start / stop recording quantized. This can’t be automated except with midi loopback and midi tracks.

You can also divide the tempo.


Good idea.
With Midi track configured in PER TRACK + TEMPO MULTIPLIER and a Trig in the first step to start recording and in last step to stop maybe. Or with a pattern change, A1 with the start Trig (one shoot) and a A2 with the Stop Trig, manual change pattern from A1 -> A2, or arranged (X cycles), or making a change pattern via foot controler too (in the Midi chanel).

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OTs quirky in that any recording over 64 steps you can start either manual or with a one shot recorder trig, but you must define the end of the recording manually, there’s no automatic record stop for recordings over 64 steps.

Turning dynamic recorders on in the mem config is the easiest way for the recorders to have ram for long recordings, when you turn this in you have to power cycle after because of a current bug. Recorder setups have trig modes, you use “one2” mode to be able to manually end a recording. “Qrec” is the quantize record setting so by setting that to 64 for example you can enter a start recording command (track+rec) and the recording will start at the begining of the next pattern cycle, press (track+rec) again during a pattern cycle and the recording will finish at the end of that cycle (assuming 64 step pattern). For some reason there’s a new bug in the latest OS where you have to press (track+rec) twice to stop a one shot trig recording, for manual or on OS 1.25 H you only need to press the combo once…