Recorder buffers for looping and live sampling

Hey thanks folks for this definitive answer :heartpulse:

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Mannā€¦ I just went to automatic sampling for my guitar, next level for meā€¦ Instead of using pickups, manual sampling, or one shots, Iā€™m setting tracks to 1/8 scale and setting solid record trigs to sample a thru track+neighbors with input my guitar. Iā€™m using rlen 64 and having the OT just sample every 2 or 4 pattern cycles. I have multiple flexes playing the buffer using start point locks, reverse rate, other plocks on thingsā€¦ I just keep playing now and every once in awhile the buffer is updated so new stuff comes out all reversed, sliced, pitch shifted, warped to all get out underneath what Iā€™m playingā€¦ :heart_eyes:

Iā€™ve got scenes set to do things like raise lfo depths that target retrig and retrig time on the warped flexes, others to activate freeze delay on guitar and filter the master so I can get crazy breakdowns and play over itā€¦ On another recorder track Iā€™m doing the same for rytm patterns and have a chain going on rytm so the buffer remix gets updated automatically with different material as well. On some recorder trigs Iā€™m sampling both the guitar and AR into one buffer and throwing that on a remix flexā€¦
Blast off!! :rocket:



Scale pattern only admit 1/16 min value, so do you refers to TEMPO MULTIPLIER 1/8x?
Seems a funny workarround!

When Hoshiko will discover OT will hallucinate! :slight_smile:
Hoshiko improvisation

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Obviously yes, thatā€™s the whole point of slowing down the tempo when you donā€™t need the default resolution for your trigs, becuase thereā€™s only one that fires every once in a while on the 1st beat


Thanks for the clarification, I had not thought of that way of having recording triggers in pattern cycles 2, 4, ā€¦

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Hahaā€¦ Itā€™s funny because the whole forum requests ā€œindividual track scaleā€ for the other boxes and Iā€™ve corrected by calling it ā€œtempo multiplierā€ a few times. Finally I just figured Iā€™d call it track scale so folks knew what I was talking about. :smile: For Model:Samples theyā€™re just calling it scale now probably because we all did anywayā€¦

A track at 1/8 gets you the equivalent of 8 64 step pattern cycles, assuming your using 64 step patterns which I almost always am. Iā€™m using a thru and some neighbors each with no play trigs so those are good places to have the recorder track as scale wonā€™t affect any playback. I started with a record trig on step 1 and step 33 so it records a pattern cycle length sample (rlen64) the first of every 4 cycles, but you can of course change it up in all sorts of ways.

I recorded a video (my first :slight_smile:) the first day I tried it and YouTube wanted to take hours and hours and hours to upload with my current connection, maybe Iā€™ll get it up from somewhere else or I might try to make a better one next weekā€¦


My ADSL connection has (at best) a 1Mb/sec upload speed so I use my cellphone that has 4G @ (at least ) 20Mb/sec upload speed configured as a Wifi hotspot. Might be worth considering if havenā€™t already done that

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Thanks, I do use my IPad cell service to connect. I live in the mountains and recently moved a bit further from town to a place with dodgy reception. If I drive to town it will work a lot betterā€¦

Hi, please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. What you say is true, because we consider length (I mean, time) here. We donā€™t get 8x64 steps. Itā€™s the equivalent in terms of time we get, at the same BPM. But at the expense of resolution: per page (we are talking about virtual pages right now) we now only have 2 steps instead of 16. If we have a track that runs alongside with default resolution (in scale-per-track mode of course), and we take that (musically) as the reference track (like we would do naturally if this track is a drum track that defines the groove, trigs that we put on the 1st and 2nd trig-slot will be played on the 1st and 9th beat. If we need a trig in between, then we might use microtiming but there will still be 1 trig per trig-slot.

I thought that needed to be made clear to avoid confusion for other users that might read the thread. (As I was at first with these scaling options)

Yeah thatā€™s right, it lasts as long as a normal X1 track repeating 8 times. I think you also need to set the master pattern length at 512 so it doesnā€™t get cut short, mine was already set there when I tried this. Since at the moment Iā€™m simply working with rlen64 recordings and launching them at the beginning of X1 equivalent cycles, I use steps 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, and 57ā€¦

My posts donā€™t always have all the uber specific nitty gritty details, but they have enough to show the concept and I figure folks will learn a thing or two along the way while figuring out how to achieve similarish results, maybe they consult the good helping book, aka the manual. :smile: Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going to explain everything on every post or I might as well make a new manual/guide bookā€¦ :wink:

Folks can always ask me for clarity if something doesnā€™t make sense. I speak a bit more vaguely than a tech reference and often Iā€™m not giving step by step instructions but just stating a concept, often nauts will know what I mean and if they donā€™t they can ask and Iā€™ll clarify. I give step by step more when someone asks a question and I answer it.

But thanks for adding some details Iā€™m sure it helpsā€¦ :slight_smile:

:peace_symbol: Happy Octatracking my peoples :peace_symbol:
:dizzy:Live long and Sample!:dizzy:



Has anyone experimented using midi triggered recording using an external sequencer? I have never tried but I think that with a sequencer that offers decent note length resolution, precise length recordings could be made, probably would need to fiddle with settings to get optimal results for sample accurate length, but I think it could work. Thinking out loud.

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I havenā€™t really worked up to MIDI loopback yet, although Iā€™ve contemplated it. That might be all it takes! Iā€™m still on 1.25H, one of these days Iā€™ll upgrade and at least get conditional sampling working with loopbackā€¦ Long automated recordings also seem doableā€¦ :slight_smile: Track tempo multiplier on regular record tracks with rlen:plen I think might work tooā€¦
(also thinking out loudā€¦ :wink:)

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Testingā€¦ Testingā€¦
Lā€¦ Sā€¦ Nevermindā€¦ :joy::heart_eyes:

:rainbow: :peace_symbol::peace_symbol::peace_symbol::rainbow:

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I have posted a way of doing this less than a week ago. Thereā€™s a .PDF in the file section. I use a midi footcontroller and midi loopback, but you can substitute the footcontroller with an external sequencer, itā€™s the same procedure. I wouldnā€™t count on sample accurate recordings though. Midi has latency.

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Right, Nice! I should have recalled that.
Iā€™m running on sleep deficit latelyā€¦ I quit smokin the good Cali and can only sleep for five or six hours as some sort of resultā€¦ :joy:

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Yes I read it, good stuff :wink: The reason I mentioned using an external midi sequencer though is because I need to use the midi ports, so as I donā€™t have a sophisticated midi router (I use an oldschool midi patchbay) midi loopback isnā€™t always* going to work for me. I think it might be possible to get sample accurate if the quantized recording settings and incoming midi are right - at least for the start of the recording, for the length Iā€™d probably go for say 16th note longer then trim to exact bars in OT audio editor. So in this case the OT would still be governing the sampling length/timing, the midi latency should not be a factor.

*Depending on what Iā€™m sampling.

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The start is not an issue because you can quantize it easily, the length is problematic because of latency. If you can afford to edit the recording during performance of course thatā€™s not an issue.

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Hi, did you ever manage to upload that? I would be interested to hear this!

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Never got around to itā€¦ Iā€™m still deep in the woods with snail speed upload at the moment. That video was captured from my iPad and the audio is just from itā€™s mic, Iā€™m sure I can do better. My setup is stashed again for the moment. Eventuallyā€¦ :smiley:


Are you around Iā€™m in trouble and all the Alan Watts and Terrance McKenna wonā€™t help me.

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