Recording A4 FX in Overbridge?

Hello all,

I know I might be missing something key here, but my brain is mush this morning. I’m using OB to record the individual ouputs of the A4 into Ableton. Works perfectly fine, but I’d really like to have the FX from A4 intact in the mix, since I prefer not to use plugins.

From what I’m gathering, the only way to hear the internal A4 FX on my tracks is to just record the A4 main outs. If there’s something I’m missing, insight is much appreciated.

Yes. There is no “FX” input track - since FX are mixed with the dry signals of each tracks when it goes to out to the main outs. However, if you disable routing to master for the audio tracks and leave only the routing to FX, the master out contains only the “wet” signal (since FX are always routed to master) and you can treat that as a separate track. Check out (from about 7") from a good description of the process.

Thank you so much!! This is exactly that I needed.