Recording A4 while playing sounds from DAW

Hey all,
I’m kinda can not deal with one simple question, if I could record only A4 while listening to the whole track from DAW. Well, if you’re interested I need it in order to play with effects live while recording. So, all ways I’ve tried wasn’t good, because in one way DAW records whole track, in second it records only A4, but I cannot hear the track itself.
Is there any step by step manual or video to set up my system?

Could you please be a little more detailed about your set-up?

Like: physical connections, DAW, integration of A4 in DAW etc. … this would help us to better understand.

Sometimes it’s only a little thing forgotten or switched off, that makes the difference.

It’s really hard for me to describe the issue. So I’ll try to be clearer.
For example I have already recorded multitrack in my DAW and suddenly I realised I need one more lead from A4. I can surely record it but to do so, I have to mute all other tracks in DAW, otherwise the new recorded track will capture all the song along with the new lead. Yes, I’m recording sounds this way, but what if I want to make live performance while I’m recording a new track? In this case I need to hear the song structure, but I can’t hear it because other tracks should be muted.
I’ve seen different videos, which explain how to record a multitrack, but nothing about my issue. Maybe my english isn’t good enough to make proper search. Maybe I’m missing something in mixing panel or sound routing.
Hoping for your help.
My setup: El Capitan, A4, Overbridge 1.10, Ableton Live. I’m using A4 as a sound interface.

Oh … yes … this is an old trap, if I may say so … I have been there too …

The best trick would be … to use a dedicated audio-interface or mixer, which prevents the feedback-like situation you experienced in general.

I am not an OB expert, but AFAIK OB allows all 4 voices of the A4 to travel along their own channels to the DAW. They should be called “Synth Track 1,2,3,4” in your DAW. If you use these channels in your DAW for recording only and route the master of Ableton to “Main L” and “Main R” of the A4 you might get what you want. That should allow listen to the audio and not recording the entire output again.

Hey, thanks for your reply.
Yes, the audio interface should be a decision, but I don’t have one yet. The voice routing could also be a decision, but as I’ve learned, they are recorded without FX. Moreover, since 1.10 I couldn’t even setup discrete voice channeling as I was able earlier.
Well, if it’s impossible to do it’s ok, I’ve just wanted to make sure I’m not missing something.
Thanks again for your help.