Recording quality: OB vs. Tascam UH-7000

Hi, I did a little test-recording:

OB 24-bit via USB (Rytm) vs. UH-7000 24-bit 192kHz via balanced line cables (tried to get the same levels)

8 bar loop - 4 bars each - can you tell which is which?

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Easy… 2nd 4 bars is the balanced line cables :thumbsup:

At least thats the one i prefer… first 4 bars sound a bit warmer but I can hear some additional harmonics at the end of each of last 4 bars…

Maybe am going crazy.

:clap: you are right! Was it really that easy for you? :open_mouth:

I think they are pretty close - find it hard to hear a real difference. maybe nuances… (tried DT-880, closed KNS-8400 and cheap monitors)

I guess that also means that OB rec quality is pretty good


Doesn’t soundcloud encode all uploads at 128kbs?lol

I think so, but as they would both be 128 kbs the sound differences would still be there.

Ok, fair points, so here is the original .wav file:

OB vs. UH-7000

and in addition to that the same loop, recorded with X18, added at the end:

OB vs. UH-7000 vs. X18