Recording techniques with Overbridge

When I started with hardware synths (A4 and Rytm), I was so happy to get rid of the DAW, because Elektron put all I needed in this tiny little box.

Anyhow, I had a look on Overbridge last weekend, and I have to admit, that I was really impressed, how Overbridge extends the midi possibilities.

So I’m thinking about using Overbridge especially for recording.

But one thing, that I don’t come over is the bandwith limitation on the track number, as I mostly use all my tracks on the Rytm. Even though it would be nice to record all 9 tracks of the Rytm and all 6 tracks of the A4 simultaneously in Ableton, it looks like it is not possible.

So what I’m thinking about is to record midi data only of all my gear during a live session. When the session is done, I’ll adjust timing of the midi data in Ableton and optimize the automation. With this midi setup I’ll go recording from the analogs stereo outs. I don’tknow if this would work due to latency, but I feel it would be the most flexible setup.

Are there any experiences with this type of setup?

How do you use Overbridge for recording?

The fatal flaw in your plan is that neither the A4 nor the Rytm will send out MIDI note data to a MIDI track while recording, which is unfortunate (and one of the top feature requests - the theory is that allowing the machines to sequence MIDI would lessen sales of the Octatrack, but I hope that’s not the reason)!

You would have to input MIDI notes manually in a MIDI track in Ableton (or record MIDI from an Ableton instrument / drum rack and then switch the destination to the Overbridge VST in order to get the notes to the Rytm/A4) to send MIDI data to the Elektron machines. But particularly with the Rytm, you would have to make sure the notes/CCs match the desired destination as I would be surprised if the drum racks in Ableton exactly match the MIDI note values that trigger each Rytm sound.

OK, this I was told about A4 or Rytm hardware only. I thought that with Overbridge some kind of “workaround” would be possible:

In Overbridge every single parameter can be automated by Ableton, or in the opposite direction recorded by Ableton.

Playing the recorded automation should give the same result of my live playing before or am I wrong?

Midi implementation via drum rack is explained very well in this video around 13:00min (Warning: german language ;))

Confirmation! :slight_smile:

Had some time for testing. Recording the automation from Overbridge during live performance on A4 and Rytm. Recovering the live set from replaying the automation records. Most robust setup for me, as audio and everything else is handled within hardware only.