Recording the Digitakt inputs: How do I use Post FX?

Screenshot 2021-11-02 at 21.49.38

So I’m not sure wether I am doing this right. I am trying to record my Nord via the Digitakt but the Post Fx is way louder, without me processing the nord in the DT.


First off make sure your DT has the latest formware update and download the newest DT manual and read section 13.6 EXTERNAL MIXER. Use your Main L/R inputs instead of the POST in your DAW.

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I’ve done that; but Post FX is still getting levels; and its way louder. I’m trying to understand the logic.

I believe there’s an option to mute POST entirely, not sure if that helps. Ive never really made use of the DT in that way.

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I still don’t get this. I am recording the inputs; but post is always catching a signal.

It’s basically always doubled in sound.

When you are tracking with OB and want to isolate the post from the individual tracks, you need to go into audio routing and mute all of the internal. That will isolate the master to be just effects sends.


I know, but it doesn’t seem to work for my L/R inputs.

Have you also turned off INT TO MAIN? That may be it.

Even then it triggers in Post as well… Thanks for helping though

Ah; it works if you don’t use the external mixer in the Digitakt. Every bit of gain added there goes to post / pre FX.


Hello! Reviving this thread!

Is there a way to pass the inputs through fx without sending that vanilla signal to the Main output?

I was looking into this area recently and couldn’t find a way to do it. On DT and ST there’s not an option to not send Ext In to Main in the audio routing (as there is with the other audio sources to get fully wet fx signal). On ST the Ext can go to FX block with its amp off, and to delay and reverb separately, but there’s nothing like this on DT.

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Yeah, another thread deemed it not possible, so that’s what I’m going with.

I can use plug-ins if need be- no biggie.

Good luck with your predicament

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