Recording with a Tascam DR 05X

Hey everyone,

My last weeks with the cycles were just wonderful and I got a tascam DR 05X to use as an audio interface for my Mac. I’m now trying to record some pieces via the line in and after a nice session I had to experience that the recording was just unusable. Seemed like the line in was set too loud or something like this.

Anyone got one as well and could help me a bit with the settings?



try and find out if you have any inaudible low frequencies coming from the cycles. last time i did a live set i recorded off the mixer to a zoom h4 and while the levels were tame the super sub lows ruined the headroom

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I don’t have the DR-05X but I am familiar with their manuals…
Page 22 of the Reference Manual offers the following advice.

• If the input sound is still distorted after adjusting the input level of the unit, reduce the playback sound of the external device.
• If an external audio device with a fixed output line level
is connected, it might not be possible to control the gain level of excessively loud input signals. In such cases, use the headphone jack or other level-controllable output for connection to the unit.

Here is a link to the RM if you don’t have a copy.

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You can record directly to your Mac via USB audio, just select source in your DAW or favorite recording application. I use OcenAudio on Mac and AudioShare on iPhone, both work great.

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Thanks everyone, I switched to MP3 as a recording file since it was running as WAV before. Afterwards I also decreased the input level and the output of the cycles. Works fine now and is so much fun!

I tried the direct input but without much success so far. However, I spent so many hours with that box and still find new things every day, so can’t be too long until I focus on this :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the help everyone :raised_hands:

You can change the input level after you press the record button via the left and right buttons.