Recreate the A4 delay using plugins?

I often want to add delay after recording and usually record the 4 track outputs via USB so they don’t have FX (I can’t get more than 4 tracks over USB without occasional Overbridge engine errors and losing connection to the device).

I’ve tried recreating the A4 delay using Valhalla Delay and Ubermod but haven’t been able to get it very close. I can’t recreate that rhythmic ‘bouncing’ vibe you get from the A4 delay. Has anyone had any luck emulating the A4’s delay with plugins or is there just something magic about it?

You might find info here …


Run your recorded track thru the A4 again and add delay?

That bouncing delay is sometimes known as ping pong mode. Ableton Live’s Delay device has it, many others too. Surreal Machines’ Modnetic or Diffuse (on sale at moment) are really good delays: