Red eye

Then tried desoldering from the back but that also didn’t work…. So went back to working from the top

After carefully going back over the pins many times, finally got the old screen off. Removed the two button covers nearest the screen as it’s very easy to touch them with soldering iron and melt them!

Soldering the new screen on, a tiny bit of solder flicked up as I was working so I made a temporary cover out of the cardboard box to protect it

All done and working :grinning:


Looks amazing! I think I’m going to order one of these screens just to have in case I get the nerve to switch it out. Also wouldn’t hurt to have a replacement just in case.

Got mine replaced too, similar experience than @tyrone had to take it from the top


Did you purchase the same display? I haven’t quite gotten the nerve to try this myself, but I want to go ahead and order a known working display in case that day comes or I’m forced to due to screen failure. I’d like to have a replacement on hand.

Yeah exact same one from Its so much better than the original that I would say to just do it…
I had it sitting on my queue for ever and regret not having done it sooner.

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Thanks! I went ahead and just ordered a couple of them. My luck is that I’ll wait, need it and if I only ordered one it was defective. Inexpensive insurance and future proofing. If I ever sell the MD, then prospective buyers will likely appreciate having a known working spare or possibly two if I haven’t done it already.

And thanks to everyone who’s contributed to the thread and given links. Hugely appreciated.

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pffft. Best April Fools I’ve heard all day…


:laughing: :rofl:


if you were in the market for and MD or MNM, would you rather buy an MD or MNM with the original screens [with a replacement white on black incl.] or prefer the white on black screen installed [old screen incl.]?

I’d prefer white on black for MD. my eyes can’t hack the red. I don’t mind the MnM original.

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I have the original red screen and it really hurts :slight_smile: Would love to have the black one instead

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actually now im not 100% that I have the right screen. would appreciate if anyone could verify…

matches what @infekted used…the top number. but I cant find anything re: the bottom number

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no idea, but you have two, can i have one? or is this a double mnm, md upgrade?

one goes in the MD…and the other gets wired out to a hole I have cut in my desk, so when the MD is under the desk all CC-ed up…I can see the screen while I control it with a controller…

RIGHT…the second screen was for MNM


dual screen MD business?!!?!? that’s sick

makes me wonder what the power draw will be there. and it you’d need to give it some extra juice. pioneering


congrats on getting those. they are really hard to find. bottom number is not important for you. the model is correct and it is white on black from i can see.
if you need any help with technical process hit me up

edit: is it 5V model? it should be :slight_smile:

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so I didnt “find” these, I think I ordered them from the link you provided way back when. ive been sitting on them since. as the story goes, I tried to do the swap on my own, KILLING my MD. literally. Elektron helped with the resurrection. [thanks yet again Elektron]

ive been terribly patient. there is a little shop [awesome shop] in Vancouver, Nightlife, that says they can do it no problem. so I think ill get them to do it for me.

thanks for offering guidance. theres no CHANCE of me attempting something like that again till I do more basic soldering first.


knowing your limits is a good thing :slight_smile: good luck

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finally done MD+MM…

posted elsewhere, forgot to in this main thread