Red eye

I did. I destroyed the board. I was not qualified to do the job. :frowning:

It’s super hard. Especially for a low LOW level solderer like myself

@Cosmic ‘s suggestion is good. When I boned mine they had left over boards. But that was 5+ years ago? Doesn’t hurt to check :crossed_fingers:t6:When I DID have the screen replaced I took it to a reputable shop who could deal with this job.

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Hi Micabeza,
Where could we chat about that ?


I bought a user interface board from elektron on November 29, 2022 for $105 USD

it’s always a good idea to check with the manufacturer before paying inflated prices on the second-hand market


I’ve already tried buying “extra” parts. They won’t sell them if the part isn’t “broken”. The wouldn’t even sell me a housing. You also need a MD registered to even order MD parts.

But how do they know if a part is broken then ?
Even if the MD it’s registered?

Posted in another [not sure why], better suited here…

So I put white on black screens in my MD MM. much relief removing the red which was killing my eyes. But….BUT…as much as I prefer the new screens, I wish I could stick OLEDs in them.

There has GOT to be some thing that could werk/fit. Someone…make my day. :crossed_fingers:t6:

could the OT screen go in the MD

Hey folks, while searching for an OLED replacement for an MD I came across a sight that claims they have the white on black screens, LCD replacements that fit MD/MM, in stock

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If I am not mistaken, these will work for Machinedrum

They have a website outside of Ebay and can deliver in different colors.

I think you misread what I wrote…ive already put white on black LCDs in.

I REALLY want to find a way to do OLED.

Ah yes, sorry I misunderstood.
Hope you succeed, I would love to see it :slight_smile:

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me too :slight_smile:

Reviving this thread again, but noticed noticed on a post a while back that you posted pics of your screen that you updated. You said yours was the white text on black background right? The WINSTAR WG12864A-TTI-V#N model? I noticed infekted linked one called the WINSTAR WG12864A-TTI-VN+ previously that now directs to the former model.

I ask all this because I replaced my OG screen to one of the white text on black screen from eBay that was previously linked as well, and it’s come out more blue than I’d like. I bought the Winstar model already but haven’t actually installed it yet. I’m wondering if it’s actually worth replacing if it’s not going to look too much different. For context, this is what mine looks like:

When you installed yours, did yours have any blue tint on it whatsoever like mine, or is it completely black?

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as I understand it there are screens that are blue on black. mine are white on black. I think I posted the backs of the screens higher up in the thread. here is the model number on the box…

and the screen…[its too bright in here for a nice non reflective pic]

the black wont be 100% black like an OLED as there is back lighting…
there are three types of LCD, I think there is one thats only slightly better than the kind I put in, but not nearly as good as OLEDs contrast. BUT…ill take this any day over the red or the blown out black on white.


Looks good like my MKII OT

unlike your OT…if you look at it from more than a 45deg angle…it inverts.
I wish there was an OLED alternative that could fit. that would be perfect!

okay i see, that looks significantly less blue than mine though (mine was one of the white on black ones from eBay). When you had your machinedrum done too, did it look like your monomachine does now? I think I bought the same Winstar screen that you used in a previous post for your machinedrum.

Ya, my MM and MD have the same screens. Look the same.