Relative levels of AR and AK in Overbridge

Hey everyone,

It seems that by default, the AR has a much ‘fuller’ sound in Overbridge than the AK when I’m using the main L/R as a stereo track in Live for both machines. I can make the AK sound richer by pumping up the reverb, chorus and overdrive in patches, but this seems a bit OTT to me. Most patches sound pretty flat compared to the AR without doing this and are therefore swallowed in the mix.

Is there an easy way to make the machines have the same kind of ‘level’ in Ableton Live without just turning down the volume of the AR tracks? Maybe I’m just too much of a frequency noob to troubleshoot this properly - I don’t tend to EQ everything.

Also, my Octatrack clips pretty badly in Live when I’m running the main outs through my iConnectAudio4+ and then into a stereo track in Live. Is there not a lot of headroom in the machine in terms of volume/frequencies? The filter in particular really seems to run too hot very easily. I can turn down levels significantly, of course, but I was wondering what other people do to combat this.

Some advice would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

I don’t have the AR but I don find my AK levels through USB “low” not much but a few more db’s would be nice to avoid using a gain plug in.

So I wonder if the levels could be boost in a future firmware.