Relative midi values possible?

The title says it all. Is it possible that the encoders send relative midi values instead of absolute values. I couldn’t find a setting for this.

No option for that on elektron synths ( it is a pretty uncommon feature ).
Some synths have a elegant workaround with parameter catch it which prevents value jumps.

If you really want to achieve this u’ll need a midi processor and disable encoder to set internal values.
Then write a bit of script like : “Dump cc value, get encoder value, if >63 cc=cc+1, set new value, if <63 decrease value by 1, set new cc value”. Something along those lines…

[EDIT] : You’ll find something more reliable in this thread : Translating absolute MIDI CC into relative -1/+1 values - #3 by Regalix - Bome Forum

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I think I’m right in saying that the midi protocol itself does not support relative values. As I understand it, where midi controllers support this, it’s as a result of an extra agreed convention between the controller and the receiving software, usually a DAW.

I’m pretty sure that elektron machines are unlikely to support that, since they’re not dedicated midi controllers.

OK. Thank you all. I understand.