*Reliably* lock LFO start point?

I’m trying to do long LFO-driven parameter sweeps over more than a pattern length, which start at a specific point in the LFO cycle. For example, a filter that opens up over 16 pages (4 complete cycles of a 64-step pattern).

I know a couple of methods that are supposed to achieve this:

  • Set the LFO to free running… but have a p-lock at the start of the pattern (condition: 1st) with the LFO set to TRG, and the LFO phase set as needed
  • Set the LFO to TRG, and LFO.T on the TRIG page disabled… but have a p-lock at the start (as above) with LFO.T enabled

Both of these work ok if I just play that pattern – i.e. switch to that pattern with the machine stopped, and then hit play.

However! Neither work reliably if I switch to that pattern while the machine is already running.

I haven’t figured out the exact mechanics, but it seems like when I switch during playback, the LFO resets to a point mid-cycle that depends on how many repetitions of the previous pattern(s) I played. And maybe also on the length and LFO settings for those previous patterns? Something like that…

How can I make this work? I’ve tried all the obvious stuff I can think of, like p-locking all the LFO params on step 1, but sometimes I still get dropped into the middle of the sweep when I switch to the pattern.

I need to be able to switch during playback and know for sure that the LFO(s) for the new pattern will start from the same place each time I do that. Otherwise it’s impossible to do long sweeps in the middle of a set. Very frustrating…

Any ideas?

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Off the top of my head you could use a yellow trig to to re-trigger the lfo at the start of the next pattern at the place in the waveform you want it to pick up from…

That’s what I meant by the method in the first bullet point.

Sadly it doesn’t work reliably when you switch to that pattern while running.

When I have time I’ll post a video demonstrating this.

Uhm from what I understand, on a pattern switch, the LFO on that track stays in its place in the phase cycle in free running mode. I haven‘t thoroughly tested that behaviour, but I‘m… 85% sure. I do these longer sweeps over patterns too, and I never really noticed a jump or anything – unless the LFO settings change, obviously.

The method with the LFO trigger on a 1st condition works pretty reliably too for me, not sure what the issue is you‘re facing? If you‘re using a trigless trig to do that, make sure the LFO trig is switched on on the TRG page.

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